I think we're all feeling a little blue these days, but it did cheer me up to make these cute Shoo Fly blocks blocks.
The little whale blocks were from a fabric I was using to make masks (pattern here) for my daughter.

I'll pick some fabrics that are a little more subdued for the next ones. I thought a marine biologist might like a whale swimming across her face, but when I see how it looks, I'm pretty sure she'll hate it!
Linking up to Rainbow Scrap Challenge at Angela's.
The blue shoofly blocks are very nice. Have you thought about how you want to put them together into the flimsy?
I made face masks yesterday for family members. I tried them on first and had problems with my glasses steaming up. This won't be a problem for the others since they don't wear glasses. I'm going to have to rethink the mask for myself. Stay home, stay healthy!
I like the blue whale. I was thinking of trying some shoestrings as elastic is still hard to find around here. Adorable shoo fly blocks.
I think the whale mask adds a bit of fun and a smile to people's faces at this horrible time.
I will be making more masks also, I only have one left and it fits me, I need to make a much larger one for hubby. We don't go out though so far so haven't needed one. Next time I go out is to pick up prescriptions and I should be able to go through the drive through area.
What adorable little shoo-fly blocks (Shoo c-virus blocks, perhaps)
Love that whale in the center--it looks very much like the ocean in those lovely blues...
waving from afar ~ ~ ~ Julierose
Light BLUE blocks and a Bright BLUE mask are SEW perfect for April's RSC Color of the Month!! Thanks for posting that link. I looks easy enough for me to attempt, unlike some of the other tutorials out there.
Good Morning Kathy:
I think your Daughter will absolutely love it.
great face mask! love it and hour blue blocks are great.
Pretty blue scraps! I do love that clear, pure color. I made face masks for us using cute dog and cat fabrics, and then felt a little silly wearing them around folks who had more conventional, white paper masks. But the home made ones are all we have, and the grocery store asked us to put them on, so they'll do!
Your blue shoofly blocks are great, Kathy! I'm going to venture into mask-making today. Hope your daughter loves her mask (even if you don't think she will) just because you made it!
Your shoe fly blocks are really coming along. How many do you have now? I think your daughter will know that you thought especially of her when you made the mask!
Mask making has been on everyones list. I made about 40 as that is how far my elastic stash went. Family should be covered. Stay safe
That's a perfect face mask for a marine biologist! Those little blocks are very cute.
I personally love the blue mask! The governor of Colorado challenged everyone to make fun masks! I’m with him! The link to the tutorial is great..she has several different styles too,
I love the shoo fly blocks too, and even started to make some as BH leader and ender project,
I'll bet whoever gets the whale mask will LOVE it!!! Your churn dash blocks are really cute and the whales blocks will always remind you of the current situation long after things figure out the new normal.
Just love your Shoe Fly blocks, and the mask is great, I've got to make some for myself and my family, I should start with blue too.
cute shoofly blocks - I remember a star trek movie with whales
The whale fabric works delightfully in the blocks and the face mask too.
I made a few masks out of train fabric that may be a little too “out there.” I like the swimming creatures on yours!
Love your shoo fly blocks. I need to give them a try one of these years.
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