I finished another quilt top this week. It is a pattern from Country Quilts called "Always Home". It used up a lot of small pieces from my plaid stash. Although the pattern has all the windows being dark, I made some of the windows light. I'm not sure if this detracts from the overall design, but it makes me happy.
I began this project in December of 2012 when I used to take the bus to work. I loved riding the bus and enjoyed using this time for stitching (and people watching). But some bus drivers are better than others, consequently some of the drives were very bumpy! So that is the reason I'm giving for the poor quality stitches! It reminds me of those interesting bus rides on the way to a job I loved, so I'm keeping the stitches as they are.
However I did touch up some of the stitching with my permanent Pigma marker. I just coloured in the spaces between the stitches to make them look a little more continuous.
I have even cut and prepared the binding so it is ready to go. Now I will pin baste and get this quilt ready for some hand quilting. I love hand quilting plaid homespuns :)
Country Quilts is a great resource for wonderful patterns, and I really enjoyed making this wallhanging. But I must say, this is not a beginner project! There are a lot of small pieces in building these houses, and for me it was sheer delight, but beginners would probably give up on quilting all together if they tried this pattern!