I hope your easter treat to yourself will be to enjoy some hand stitching time today...and maybe a few chocolate eggs too! I hope to be sewing on a quilt binding today! I really want to finish my March UFO today...wish me luck!

I enjoyed some hand sewing this week on my "Votes For Women" blocks, and was able to finish block # 21 called Parasols and P.R.
It was a challenging block for me to applique, and it's a little odd looking, but it's DONE! Done is way better than perfect!
BTW...did you check out the hand stitching link ups last week?!?
Debra and BillieBee introduced me to a new (to me) website called Echinops and Aster. There is a stitch-along going on there and there is a wonderful list of hand stitching resources. If you missed it, you really need to check it out - click here.
Link up your blog post below and showing us what hand stitching you hope to treat yourself to on this Easter Sunday.