Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the hand stitching party! 

We appreciate all types of hand work adventures and enjoy the weekly routine of meeting together to share our projects and slow progress.

Look who I saw in the front yard this week!
Easter Bunny sighting
It's the Easter Bunny of course, checking to see who's been naughty or nice. Or maybe it's just Santa that does that?!? Isn't the camouflage fabulous? You can hardly see him there hopping around in the dead grass that hasn't turned green yet.

chocolate bunny without ears
This is the other kind of bunny sighting we enjoy this time of year. This bunny is sitting amidst a very hard 1,000 piece puzzle that I am working on this weekend. I wonder which will be finished first... the bunny or the puzzle?!
Are you eating chocolate AND hand stitching at the same time? Be careful not to get chocolate stains on your work!

Hope you're all doing okay out there in slow stitching land. It's a real rollercoaster existence these days. I keep reminding myself that every day that my loved ones are not in the ER is a great day no matter what else is going on. That is the only goal until further notice. So far so good in COVID19 lockdown here.

Trying to "roll with it"!!
I suppose that the only way through a pandemic is to keep on stitching and that's what I'm doing. This is the tea towel embroidery I am working on. I think I need to remove the brown stitches that I put across the double L letters in the word 'Roll'. I think the brown should look like it's behind the letters, not across. Oh well, just a bit to unstitch.

What are you working on through the Covid19 pandemic? We will always remember these projects, won't we?!? Link up your blog post below and share your slow progress with us.


Created by Kathi said...

Thanks for such a sweet post today ... I hope your unstitching and restitching across the LL's goes okay and you are off having fun quickly on more of this cute stitchery. I have a little stitchery quilt to make.. it is itching to come out of the package... but so many other things going on! lol Enjoy and Happy Easter to you <3

CathieJ said...

Our backyard bunnies have been visiting us a lot too. There are no chocolate bunnies in our house this year. The local ice cream shop where I usually purchase them is closed so I just didn't bother. Better for the waistline. I have started a puzzle too and am happily stitching away as well. I do like your tea towel. Glad there is only a little unstitching necessary. Happy Easter!

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

My only hand project right now is appliqueing patches on a quilt repair. I hope you and your family have a nice weekend, stay well.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

The only hand project I've worked on in weeks is pinning face masks. Happy Easter! (is the chocolate bunny gone yet?)

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I was going to get some chocolates for Easter but forgot to put it on my order! but I always have some Dove dark chocolate in the quilting room so that will be it - I am baking too much anyhow. I hope you have a good stitching day and as everything - this time will pass and we will all be back to normal one day - but I do wonder what this solitary time will do for some people - what will the mental health be like I wonder.

Deb A said...

I'm thinking the bunny is already gone! At least it would be in my house. Thanks for hosting this wonderful link up and all the encouragement over the years. You truly are a steward for hand quilting and hand work - which is very needed right now.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your tea towel saying is just perfect for these times! Happy Easter, Kathy!

Karrin Hurd said...

I didn't get a bunny but I think I have almost eaten the whole bag of tiny robin's eggs I bought. I just received those same transfers yesterday. I loved yours so much, I just caved in! Happy Easter Kathy!

Sarah said...

I'm glad you are coping ok at the moment but it is a rollercoaster of a ride with ups and downs. I've tried to have only positive thoughts for the last few days. Thanks for keeping the slow Sunday stitching group going. It's good to have some structure to the week and Sunday is always slow stitching day (even if I am stitching everyday at the moment)! Happy Easter.

Faye said...

Happy Easter!

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Well, what am I doing with the "issue at hand"! Maintaining my daily schedule as best as can be with the "other issues" that started New Years Eve. But we are truly blessed for the things that did happen since then! Life is good and there are many things to do - we all should just sit back and enjoy the time that is given to us each day until Mask and Glove life comes our way! LOL Having a hobby is the most important thing to fall back on! MORE QUILTING! LOL

Thank you Kathy for hosting Slow Stitching Sunday's - which keeps us all sane!

AnnieO said...

Design decisions are always possible during handwork, lol! I've taken out and redone things THE SAME WAY several times, forgetting what I meant to alter.

Happy Spring!

Sherrie said...

Hi Kathy,
Beautiful embroidery...I've ripped whole rows out of quilt....Have a great day!