Welcome to Slow Sunday Stitching! We meet here every Sunday to celebrate the art of all varieties of hand stitching. If it involves a needle (or 2) and thread and stitching taken with your hands, we want to know about it!
Today will find me hand stitching the binding on my Circa 2016 quilt. I love this quilt so much and will enjoy every minute of this stitching.
This is the backing fabric from the "Metropolitan Fair" line of fabric by Barbara Brackman. Like all the fabrics in my Circa 2016 quilt, this is a reproduction fabric from the mid 1800s. It delights me that this 2016 quilt is made of 1800 reproduction fabrics.
Let's get this binding stitched down! I am enjoying visiting with the blocks that were made over the course of the past year as I stitch on by. I feel more relaxed already.
I probably won't be able to spend too much time on this today as I really should be working on some Christmas presents, but a little relaxation will make everything else run more smoothly don't you think?!?!
What are you hand stitching today? Link up your blog post below and tell us about your project so we can encourage you to keep stitching!
Those blocks are small! How big is the quilt? I will be working on another gift today too. There will be binding on it at some point...
This is such a realxing thing to do that you'll forget about all other things.......just until you suddenly find out that the day is running out. For me it's good, becaus I then do it much faster than if I start in the morning. Have a relaxing Sunday.
Circa is such a lovely project to be binding ! :)
I have spent so much time all week machine quilting - a project I am just not used to that the noise is driving me crazy - I have a quite house just the hubby and I with quite music in the background or a Netflix show on while I hand quilt. Daytime sometimes is no tv or music just the quite so the machine is driving me crazy - one more day and I should be done with this big machine quilting project but I can not take it one more day and I think it will be just hand work today and piece and quite!! the machine can wait until tomorrow and then I will get my work space back in order.
I haven't posted a slow stitch Sunday in awhile but I hope to get back into the swing of things. Enjoy your stitching time.
Such a lovely project, i hope you enjoy your relaxing sewing!
I did my slow stitching yesterday.
Spending some time with hand stitching or piecing is a definite necessary stress relieving activity this time of year.
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