Saturday, July 01, 2017

Scrappy Saturday - Alamo Stars

It's Canada's 150th birthday today and I wrote about it here yesterday so that today I could show the Rainbow Scrap Challenge stitchers my yellow progress this month.

I was able to get all my Alamo Star blocks with yellow backgrounds sewn into 4 patch units! I had to match up a few of the yellows with some darker background blocks using oranges and browns, but I'm happy with them. These 64 star blocks have been sewn into 16 four patch blocks. Let's not mention that I'm still working on the green ones from last month and will now start working on the blue ones also! 
Hop over to the RSC link up to see what the scrap quilters are working on today.


Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Great progress, you are going to have a huge number of blocks!

Ariane said...

These are looking great together!! Happy Canada day!!

Gretchen Weaver said...

Your blocks look so nice. This is going to be such a lovely quilt. Have fun with the blues in July!

scraphappy said...

They look beautiful! If you finished off all your projects, you wouldn't have anything to work on. It is all about the progress and the process. Enjoy!

Katie Z. said...

Wow! You've made some gorgeous blocks, and they look even more amazing all together.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Happy Birthday Canada - wow 150 years - great neighbor to the USA!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Aren't those pretty?! I really like the contrast of the different yellow backgrounds!

Chantal said...

Congrats for keeping up with this project. I haven't seen it in a while. It is wonderful to see them together. Enjoy! ;^)

Karen said...

Happy 150th my Canadian friend!

Deanna W said...

Whatcha going to do with them all? Make a quilt with all the colours?

Janet O. said...

Happy Sesquicentennial Canada Day, Kathy!!
Trying to figure out a way to make it special for my MIL in her nursing home room. I think at least a flag, and maybe some streamers.
Those little stars are too cute for words. Is this the year you sew them all into a top?!?

Monica said...

The range of yellows and golds makes this quilt so rich! It's going to be a beauty. :D

Cathy said...

The blocks are wonderful! They're going to make a fantastic quilt!

Goofin' Off Around the Block said...

I really like all of those yellow blocks. It's a lovely quilt! Have a great day! --Andrea

Cathy Tomm said...

Wow so many done. How big are these blocks?

Shelina said...

These are so beautiful. Love yellow backgrounds, and the darker backgrounds add extra special interest to the blocks.

Deb A said...

Still loving those alamo stars. The yellow just sets them off so beautifully.

AnnieO said...

One step closer to joining up into a quilt top, yay!

PaulaB quilts said...

A very colorful group of blocks with yellow. You are on the right track. The other colors should be great. Keep up the good work!

Angie said...

It's so much fun to see these twinkly little stars keep taking shape!

Nell's Quilts said...

Now that the little Alamo stars are in four patch arrangement it should be easier to work with. My recollection is that they're pretty tiny. The yellow look smashing.