A huge "thank you" to each one of you who participate in linking up your blog posts, and to those who support fellow slow stitchers by leaving suggestions and encouraging comments for the bloggers.
To celebrate the 5th anniversary of Slow Sunday stitching, I am giving away two little DIY kits inspired by my mini quilt from the "BEE 'Lieve in Yourself" fabric by Deb Strain.
hand stitching the corner label |

This is what I'll be working on today... hand quilting more of my Life is Beautiful blocks. I start each one with a little stitching around some of the embroidery designs, then I quilt around the circle that has been appliqued to the 4 patch background block, and then I quilt diagonal lines out to the corners to stabilize the block. I am enjoying this triangle of tailor's chalk that my friend Debby gave me. It works perfectly for marking the diagonal lines to stitch on.
Here are four quilted blocks on the design wall. 4 done and 59 to go! I plan to join them together in a quilt-as-you-go fashion (tutorial here).
Now it's your turn!
What are you hand stitching today? We love to see what you are creating with your own 2 hands.
I will be quilting on a Hawaiian block which will become a pillow. My daughter gave me the kit after visiting Hawaii in early 2016. It just popped up in the rotation to complete. Thanks for your 5 years. From the support group. Gi
thanks for a chance to get some super cute fabric! I LOVE your blog and look forward to Sunday's to see and to share what everyone is up to... including YOU! I have loved watching this quilt come along and will look forward to your quilt as you go plan to bring it all together... I love the added final circles too :) Thanks so much for all you do for those of us that stitch by hand... any way we accomplish that! Kathi
I like how you are quilting these blocks. I really like the idea of the quilt as you go also. I have one of Georgia Bonesteel's books on it so I may try it someday. Thanks for the link though. Also, thank you so much for hosting the link-up. I have found so many wonderful blogs through it and I look forward to Sunday morning tea with your blog.
I haven't seen tailor's chalk in years! Isn't it difficult to handquilt small pieces??
Happy 5th anniversary! Thank you so much for hosting this fun stitch together! I really like how you are quilting your Life is Beautiful - enjoy your Sunday Stitching :-)
A five-year anniversary hosting a link-up is huge in blogland! Congrats. Despite being unable to participate regularly, I look forward to viewing what you and other kindred stitchers are making. Thank you!
Congratulations! Thank you for hosting Slow Stitching Sunday, I always look forward to seeing what everyone is sharing and it's the only one I regularly participate in, thank you :-)
Congratulations! I love your slow stitch Sundays. I relish each and every time I get to slow stitch for all of the reasons you encourage. It makes me feel closer to my grandmother. Today I am knitting as I am on the button strip to finish a sweater. Love your blog, so positive, so encouraging and the perfect way for me to start each day. Thanks.
Wow 5 years! That's an accomplishment and a lot of work. It's been fun seeing all the hand work show cased here. Happy stitching today.
congratulations on 5 years of slow stitching Sundays ,I enjoy your blog and have begin following for about 2 years. You have inspired so many to keep hand work going, thank-you .
Congratulations on 5 years of Slow Sunday. I normally participate in the link up, but I'm taking time to be slow in the stitching/sewing department. Farming is at the busiest time now and trying to add stitching to the mix just makes more stress. Have a great week! Your blocks are lovely.
thanks for hosting Slow Stitching - it is always nice to share our love of hand stitching and remind our readers to slow down if they can and enjoy the process of hand work.
While I don't link up (no blog) I do enjoy seeing what everyone is working on each week. Following your Life is Beautiful project has been a joy. I started a snowman embroidery last year but my tracing is too light and I need to go back and redo it so I can see the design.
I have neve seen that chalk! Will have to look into it. Congrats on 5 years - you have inspired and encouraged me so much over the years. A big thank you to hosting.
I need to get started on the Christmas stitchery I have planned, but it is nice outside and football hasn't started yet, LOL!! I'll be back for more regular linkups in the fall.
What a great celebration - 5 years! Thanks for being such a lovely hostess.
Just yesterday, I finished a tote bag for a sweet friend who gave me ALL of her fabric stash! She admitted to herself that sewing did not fit into her life right now and needed more room in her home. What a gift for me! So, I chose coordinating fabrics, embroidered her business name on a square to make a pocket, and made a great tote bag for her! I can't post photos yet, or she'd see it before I give it to her. I'm also into sewing greeting cards...love those quick projects!
No link up today but I AM hand stitching...lol I am at little BEHIND on my RSC blue for the month since the month is almost over :) Working on applique...an Airship Propller Block :)
There has been lots of hand-stitching in my world. In addition to the embroidery, I've finished hand-quilting my Mumm's the Word quilt, and I'm in the processing of hand-sewing the binding right now! Can't wait to get it finished. Love hand-stitching. Thanks for giving us a place to link up each week.
Altough I don't usually link up to Slow Sunday Stitching, I read your post and many of the others every week, and get lots of inspiration for doing some slow stitching! Thanks for the sweet giveaway!
Congratulations on 5 years of Slow Stitching Sunday. I enjoy seeing your hand work every Sunday morning. Keep up the great work.
Happy 5th sewiversary! I enjoy viewing all the lovely projects everyone is creating.
Thanks for hosting! Didn't realize it has been 5 years. It's always fun to see what everyone is working on. There's so much talent out there!
I've never tried QAYG. I keep thinking one of these days but haven't found the right SMALL quilt to try it on!
Congratulations on 5 years of Slow Sunday Stitching! It's a great place to come to for inspiration. There are so many talented ladies out there - thanks for hosting! I love your Life is Beautiful project!
I don't have a blog, but faithfully read all the links here each Sunday. I have been inspired and educated. Thank you. A78mandel at yahoo dot com
Wow, five years! That's such a nice number! I don't do 1/3 the amount of slow stitching as you, but enjoy my cross-stitch and small bit of hand-quilting now and then. Sweet prize for your giveaway!
I will be hand binding a quilt. I do not have a blog but enjoy reading and following them. Thanks for 5 great years of sharing.
I noticed your "Bee" quilt yesterday. It is beautiful! Thanks for hosting Slow Stitching Sunday each week. It's a commitment to keep up with and I'm grateful to you for doing it, Kathy.
I forward to Slow Stitching Sunday each week -- fun to follow along with all the projects! Thanks so much for hosting this@@
I am working on my Scandinavian Christmas by Lynette Anderson. I have all the appliqué done and just have to finish the embroidery. Love that owl embroidery block!
I look forward to reading your blog each day. Your Slow Sunday stitching is such fun. Thanks for connecting quilters from everywhere in such a fun way. I make a point of savoring some slow stitching every Sunday for sure.
Congratulations on your anniversary! I have only recently been playing along, and I do love that you do it and I have met so many wonderful quilters, yourself included! I have a friend who has made a table runner with that bee-lieve fabric - it is gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to win!
I love bees so I'm wishing I had a post organized too. But anyway, congratulations on 5 years! Please count me in. :D
I love your link up Kathy. It's made me slow down on a Sunday (when I can) and also try to spend a little time each day hand stitching. Congratulations on celebrating 5 year of hosting the link. I hope it continues for many more years. I love seeing your hand stitching.
Thanks for hosting on Sunday. I always go to you blog first everyday. I have found lots of other interesting blogs on Sunday and have learned a lot and found new items from you blog. Hope you can continue forever. Love the bear quilt. Dianne
Congratulations Kathy! WOW! Posting every Sunday for the last five years is no small feast. I do appreciate you hosting it. First it's fun to read your blog and then I get to see and read about all other wonderful slow project. Thank you. Another thing you are doing a great job with is the Life is Beautiful quilt. Enjoy the slow progress. ;^)
Congratulations on your 5 years. I'm often linking on Sundays, as I sew by hand every day. But this Sunday I'm not at home, and have got with me only some few hexies to bind. So this weekend I won't be posting on my blog.
Sundays are my favourite day of the week because I get to see what all of the slow stitchers are up to and I get to do some slow stitching myself. Thanks for the weekly reminder to slow down and relax with a stitching project!
Congratulations on 5 years Kathy. Since I'm back doing slow stitching, I really love reading your post and everyone's link-ups. Thanks!
Happy 5th Anniversary! Kathy, I really have enjoyed your progress on the Life is Beautiful Quilt. I pinned the pattern to my "One Day I'll Buy You" board!
I wonder, do you embroider the designs and then come up with your own quilt pattern to applique them on? Thank you so much for hosting this link up and for sharing your sewing life with us all!
I don't have a blog, but I do see what everyone is working on every Sunday. Then - I start working on my own slow stitching project. Right now, I'm working on Primitive Gatherings' Everyday Crazy Mat. Thanks for keeping this up.
I tried so hard to get my borders done. Now you will have to check it out another day! Hexies were made while I fished tonight and I caught 2 fish!!
Thx for your generosity and always cheering us on!!
Love seeing all the photos posted. I love hand piecing and hand work. Thanks for a chance to win.
Inspired by your Life is Beautiful project I ordered the book and it arrived last week. Now I need to cut my background and begin stitching. Thanks, Kathy. clara-chandler@att.net
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