I am going to do some relaxing hand stitching tonight. I am not going to berate myself for lack of "progress". I am not going to think of all the other things I should be doing (my UFO!) I am not going to feel guilty that the dirty dishes from today are still not washed, and I am not going to multitask.
I am going to breathe and stitch.
And tomorrow I'm going to take the advice from Judy's comment from yesterday's post and get to work on that seminole border. She said "It's not a matter of life and death, it's a border. Now do it!"
You are so right Judy... a friend is always honest with a friend.
I think my big girl panties are in the laundry! As soon as I find them, I'll get to work on that border! LOL
Oh how I love putting off till tomorrow what you should be doing today!!! But sometimes a girl just has to stitch!! Slowly!!
Oh your not the only one! One more flower on my border today and then my reward will be hand quilting till December arrives!
We can only hope that your big girl panties don't go the way of the socks that get "lost" in the washing machine!
yes get it done and move on to another!
And don't forget to Breathe! And Relax. And Enjoy the process.
Great opening question!!!
You are NOT alone - I do it to myself regularly!
Enjoy your break - NO guilt!
And good luck with the long-avoided border, too
Take a step back, take a deep breath, and relax! I think some hand stitching is what the Dr would order and will do the trick.
We do it to ourselves don't we? We set expectations that only a saint could live up to and then get discouraged when things don't happen as planned. But what's the worst thing that can happen? It doesn't get done today - not never - just not today. And that's okay.
I understand your procrastination with that border...some unfinished projects you get out of the closet, look at for awhile, then put back...telling yourself you'll get on that "later". And occasionally you just lose your quilting mojo & feel unmotivated, which is where I am right now. Instead, I'm in a reading mood, which is fine. Also, if you can't find your big girl panties, you can always go commando, lol.
I have to check myself about this all the time. That's why I don't participate in certain challenges any more. I've given up on arbitrary deadlines. Who's watching, anyway? Only me.
You go, girl. No wait, I mean you stop, girl :)
No, you are not the only one. I am dealing with the very same issues right now. I've driven myself nuts with pressure to do too many things. I'm also readdressing some priorities!
Hear hear! Well said, and no, you're not alone in the "stressification" of a pleasurable activity! Enjoy your hand stitching.
Sweetie - as you can see, you are not alone. I, also, trudged on and got two of the three quilts that needed borders - bordered! I hate putting borders on. And the dishes - HA - my sink is full and waiting.
You've got your answer....NO! It seems too many of us push ourselves to the point of stressing out about our projects, and UFO's and too many scraps, and too big a stash, and self-imposed deadlines, and "should ofs' and "could ofs" and "didn't", and, and ..... What's the point, and where's the fun in that? Take the day off. Enjoy yourself. Pull out the paper plates (or go OUT to eat) and don't worry if you don't get the big girl panties washed today.
The fact that I haven't posted for almost two weeks tells you I have stepped away from the pressure to "get things done". When my hobby becomes a stress it is time to step back and do something else. I have been reading when I could grab a minute. I think I am finally ready to come back and stitch a little, but right now there just isn't time!
Sorry you have to wash your own panties!! I wish I had an assistant to do these tasks---I just want to see!! I wear myself out doing all my "must" do stuff & than am too tired to sew. A day of hand seeing will get you back to normal.
Darn auto correct--insert sew into see above!!
Good for you Kath! I find myself doing that "should" thing all the time. Quilting is a hobby for me--supposed to be FUN!! I didn't do anything today but read...I took a break after seeing Mom in the Nursing Home;just relaxed...hugs, Julierose
Put your feet girl and turn down the volume of the little voice inside your head. Heck, have a glass of wine (yes, I know it's only Wednesday so what?) Cut yourself some slack. The sun will rise tomorrow. ♪♪ ♫ Don't worry, be stitchin'!♪♪ ♫ ;^)
Enjoy your stitching time. It's hard doing new things for the first time, good luck with finishing up those borders.
Enjoy your peaceful hand stitching and stop worrying about the border. It will be done when it's done!
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