Sunday, January 03, 2021

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the first hand stitching party of 2021! It's the only party you can attend these days where you don't have to social distance or wear a mask! It's a stay-at-home party, and you provide all your own beverages, snacks, and stitching projects. 

I made another batch of masks for family Christmas gifts, using some covid fabrics and some Canadian themed fabrics. I rewarded myself for finishing that task but doing some knitting.

I finished my 6th knitted cloth and made a few mistakes, but maybe you can see what it is?

If I take the colour out, can you see the pattern? 

It's called "antidepressant cat" and the pattern is available from Knitwits Heaven. It was fun to knit, but a lot of counting to keep track of. Then I ran out of wool about 10 rows from the end but thankfully was able to locate another ball of blue Sudz at Galt House of Yarn to finish it. Phew!

I finished hand binding a family memory quilt for my kids just in time for Christmas. But I still have one more of those hand embroidered tea towels to finish, which is next on the list for attention. 

What are you hand stitching as we begin 2021? Do you have any slow stitching goals for this year? I would like to finish up some beading projects that are sitting around in states of half finishedness. I hope you will link up your blog post below and share your project with us!


Kim said...

Your "antidepressant cat" is fun. It looks as if there was tricky counting involved. More fun masks in fabulous fabrics. I hope you make some inroads to those half finished projects. I would imagine your kids loved the family memory quilt. I am looking forward to all the slow stitching fun which is to be had each Sunday, in this new year. Thank you so much for hosting the party!

ButterZ said...

I have nearly finished a binding on a quilt that is 2 years old. I am knitting a scissors keep with beads but can’t show that here as a few years back I was told no knitting projects. I am hand quilting a quilt that is 6 years old so I think that fits the bill. I also have a hand quilting project out that I started in about 2005 - 2006. So maybe I should get that out this year to finish.

Sarah said...

I like the cat cloth! And you have been busy mask making. I find it much easier to batch make them too. And as for slow Sunday stitching goals, too many as usual!

The Cozy Quilter said...

What a cute cat cloth! I have a list of UFO’s to work on including an appliqué quilt started two years ago . However, I was looking around last night on my computer and found a scrappy quilt along I might participate year, new project...right?

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I do not want to make one more mask this year and I hope we all have enough so I won't need to. I want to make more RSC quilts this year for some reason - I have been feeling the urge to do this monthly project and might increase from 1 of them a year to 2 or maybe even 3

Ivani said...

It is a sweet kitten.
I want to make some rainbow blocks, give life for small projects that were inside the ufo's boxes and of course stitch, stich, stich as much as I can.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

I'm with Karen, I don't want to make another mask. But I need one with a winter theme, and maybe one with hearts for February. Great knitted cloths, they look really hard! I still haven't started my kitchen stitchery.

Linda M @ Pieceful Kingdom said...

I love the antidepressant cat cloth. I have not made any with the patterns made with purl stitches, but I need to try some. This year I hope to finish a lot of cross stitch projects. I also have a stack of quilt tops I need to quilt, so I suspect I will have a lot of hand stitching on bindings to do too! Happy New Year!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your cat dishcloth is a fun one, and does look like lots of counting was involved! Happy New Year, Kathy, and cheers to lots of slow stitching this year!

Deb said...

Lovely selection of masks and the cat sure is sweet, so nice you were able to find the yarn to finish, Happy New Year

Sherry said...

Really cute dishcloth. Happy New Year

scraphappy said...

Your antidepressant cat is just adorable! What a fun name for a pattern.

Deanna W said...

Half that is a mouthful!! I think I have started three new things this week...crochet being one of them. Not too speedy at it especially when you do 3 rows and rip out 4!! argggg

Karrin Hurd said...

Cute hand cloth. I would get mixed up with the counting unless I was writing it down. I have a lot of half finishedness around here!

Flickenstichlerin said...

wonderful finishes, what a great progress.