Sunday, January 17, 2021

Slow Sunday Stitching - My Oldest UFO

Welcome to the mid January hand stitching link up! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you will visit with some of the folks who have linked up below and leave some some encouraging comments for them.

In the coldest winter months I like to put some stitches into my oldest UFO. It is about 25 years old and I still love it! I am now quilting the border lines, which you might think is boring, and it is. But it's also very relaxing and easy, and is just what I need today. 

It is such a large, heavy quilt and it's perfect for winter snuggling. Max thinks so too! When I got up to go to the washroom, this is what I found upon my return! He had pulled it off the chair and made himself a little bed. He loves quilts so much, but he also eats them so we have to keep an eye on him! (PS - see my treadle sewing machine in the background... time to do some of that again!)

We all need to feel a sense of connection these days while we sit in our homes in the winter, trying to stay safe from covid and still maintain sanity! The province in which I live (Ontario) has declared our second covid "state of emergency" as of this past week, and we are ordered to stay at home, leaving only for buying groceries or for medical appointments. We are warned about "dark days ahead" if people don't comply with this lockdown period. It's no problem for me... I can stay in my house and quilt until the cows come home, or until the pandemic is over, whichever comes first! 

Quilting until the cows come home or the pandemic is over!

What are you hand stitching today? Are you working on winter projects? Or are you in the southern hemisphere working on summer projects?? Link up your blog post below and share your project update with us.


ButterZ said...

So long as you have food and the internet to stay connected with your fellow bloggers the time will pass easier.

Kathy S. said...

Glad you are content staying home. Max is so cute! He's a good quilt helper. It's awesome that you are working on the hand quilting of your oldest UFO. Keep up the good stitching.

linda said...

I bet that quilt is going to be so special when it's done 25 years wow that's a long time. I'm quite content to stay at home too, aren't we lucky to have to have something to absorb us so completely. Enjoy your Sunday

julieQ said...

I love your quilt! I shoed my oldie quilt on the blog this them! We are all connected as quilters and friends, so that is a good thing in this covid time!

Jill said...

The paisley print is gorgeous. No wonder you enjoy working on it. I’m just across the border in Michigan. Stay safe Ontario.

Ivani said...

Here only a few cities are in Lockdown, many families are spending summer vaccations at the beaches. (your picture is perfect for what we are dealing with here)
I am quiet, at home, doing my handwork and dreaming with an effective vaccination campaign.
Max is a very smart guy. And your UFO is a beauty, so spend some time today and enjoy slow stitching it. Keep Safe.

Birthe Marie said...

So wonderful with the dog pulling down the quilt to lie on them. We are lucky to be able to sit at home and have fun with our hobby. Fortunately, we have little infection in Norway compared to many other countries, but after the Christmas celebrations, the number increased with covid, and we had to tighten the rules again. We are also recommended to stay at home. Have a wonderful week!

The Cozy Quilter said...

Max sure loves to snuggle in a quilt! Finn is the same, but he has not chewed any quilts yet. He prefers to run around with a dirty sock from the laundry basket!
I don’t think the cows will be home for a while so we will all get lots of quilts made!
Keep stitching!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Working on a very old project is fun, boy, 25 years old! ;D
Wintertime here too, snow, virus, nothing for me outside!

Sarah said...

I've got some old UFOs but I can't beat your 25years! Dogs do love to lie on what ever we are working on, mines the same. Max is super cute by the way! Pull up the draw bridge and keep safe!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I stay in touch with a lot of you quilters in Ontario and I do feel for you all - even though we do not have an official lock down I have been basically doing the same thing all year - staying home and going out for groceries, doctor appointments and walking - it gets tiresome doesn't it - thank heavens we have our quilting and crafing said...

We are also in lockdown. It's been the hardest on my kids - all teens and early 20s. Especially the one who is a freshman in college studying at home. I am like you, I am enjoying some extra stitching time. I have forged some really good friendships. Our EGA used to meet once a month, now we meet every week for 3 or 4 hours (over zoom) and it's really been so nice. Today is a hiking day for the hubby and I (masks on and trails are usually one way) and after that will be some stitchy time. Take care.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Quilting, and blogging, definitely help in these weird times! Max looks like a dog who appreciates snuggly quilts. Enjoy your stitching time today!

Deb A said...

So happy to see the winter quilt come out to play again this year. I see it is Max approved as well! I find it interesting to hear of the different measures in place for COVID around the world and even from state to state and province to province. My family has pretty much kept to the stay at home despite our state being 'fully open' and under a surge. Thank goodness for a fully stocked craft room!

Linda M @ Pieceful Kingdom said...

That quilt does look cozy! Stay safe.

Karrin Hurd said...

I love that paisley on your winter quilt! Happy stitching as you are staying safe!

CathieJ said...

Although we haven't been is a lockdown that is as strict as yours for a while, I have to be honest that Hubby and I have only been going to the pharmacy, grocery store and doctors office for most of this pandemic anyway. I have had 2 haircuts which have been my only luxury. We do curbside/drive up pick up at Target and a couple of local restaurants. We don't find it to be a hardship. We think of it as our way of staying safe and keeping others safe. We have no problem staying home until it safe.

Karla (ThreadBndr) said...

I'm another one that is totally OK with staying home, working from home and just picking up groceries and only going 'out' for medical stuff. I do miss my bell choir, and in person church, though.

Love your old quilt. I need to get back to mine!

Sherrie said...

Hi Kathy,
Love the quilt your working pretty. And Max seems to like it too. My dogs also like to lay on my quilts. I stay at home myself, my son does all my errands for me. But at least we have our quilting to keep us busy. Have a great day!

AnnieO said...

Always a good day when needle and thread meet. A quilt-eating dog, yikes
We are still in lockdown due to rampant COVID here though vaccinations have started. I got both of mine. Hoping life returns to more normalcy in the next few months.
Happy Quilting.

Kim said...

Max looks adorable snoozing away on your quilt. Wow...a quilt in progress for 25 years, why it must seem like an old friend. Quite right to pull it out over the years and add some meditative stitching to it. Your 'old friend' is a beautiful quilt.

Sherry said...

I am so glad you have a 25 year old project. I have a couple from the late '80 myself. I am sure it is mellowing with age. Max looks quite comfortable.

Little Penpen said...

I hate Covid 19, but the lockdown doesn't bother me much either. I'm a homebody who loves to stay home and do my own thing. Cute doggie!

Anonymous said...

I can’t blame Max. There’s nothing more cozy than quilt. Adorable!


Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

What wonderful memories that quilt must have over the years that you have been working on it. It is so pretty. We are so fortunate to have this wonderful hobby to get us through these times. Thank you for hosting the link party, Kathy. I really enjoy your blog and having the opportunity to visit others. Happy quilting.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Sounds like you'll be finished with that quilt soon. I did paper piecing all day (on machine).