Sunday, January 31, 2021

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly hand stitching party! It's hard to believe it's already the last link up for January!

Thank you for the encouragement to finish my Life Is Beautiful project! It is such a lovely pattern, produced in a high quality format.  I was able to get the pattern several years ago through the generosity of Peg an online stitching friend in Australia who sent me the book when she was done with it. You can see Peg's lovely stitching in variegated thread here. Also you can see a lovely version of the pattern made in purples at Sewcolorful

I wonder if you might still be able to purchase the pattern at the Hugs and Kisses website? If not, I'm sorry for tempting you with a project that might be impossible to start! 

I don't always have time to visit all the posts each week, but I do give it my best effort. And last week I saw so many very cool hoops and frames... it just makes me feel so happy to see you all stitching away on your beautiful projects! 😍

Hand quilting by the lake 

I thought I would share the hoop that I use the most for quilting. Although I have 2 floor stands, I find I use this circular wooden hoop the most, as it's easy to drag the project anywhere, like stitching while the family watches TV or outside when the weather is tolerable. 

Today I'll be put a few more hand quilting stitches into my oldest UFO. 

This week I finished hand stitching the  binding (on a placemat) which is a task that doesn't need a hoop. Isn't this a cute picture of stitching beside the  bird?! 

What are you hand stitching today? Do you have a favourite hoop for your projects? Link up your blog or instagram post below.


Kim said...

How lovely it looks with you sitting there in the sunshine with the beautiful lake in front of you. It looks the perfect spot to sit awhile and happily hand stitch away.

linda said...

You look so peaceful and content sitting there in that beautiful setting, your work is beautiful.

Created by Kathi said...

Lovely binding you are stitching in the photo... I am loving pink more the older I get... and I am glad you will finish your qayg squares too <3

CathieJ said...

The Life is Beautiful pattern is still available and I am tempted. Enjoy your own Sunday Stitching and thank you again for hosting this link-up.

Ivani said...

What a beautiful place, Kathy.
Enjoy your slow stitching today.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Looks like you have a lovely view! I do admire your ability to hand quilt.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I love my floor standing frame best and mainly only use that. I do have a 14 inch hoop for small projects and a square frame on a stand but that one is packed away - I just don't have a comfortable area to quilt using it as one really needs the perfect chair to go with it.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

What a gorgeous piece in your header! I love pink. And that photo of you stitching by the water is sublime.

Sarah said...

That is a great picture of you stitching by the lake (roll on the summer!!) There are always so many inviting photos showing work in progress it's a real inspiration every week!

Deanna W said...

You would need several quilts to stitch outside here today....-27C but the sun is shining so hopefully it warms up so we can go fishing!! Love my round hoop as well and I have a squarish shaped one, great for doing borders.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Stitching with a lake view sounds so lovely right now! I've never bought a hoop for hand quilting - since I'm doing more of that lately, I should look into getting one. Enjoy your stitching today, Kathy! said...

I love your perfect stitching spot!! I sit in our backyard with a comfy and blankets and feel such a sense of calm. I just bought one of the "sit-on" stands that came with three hoops and love that. Today I am catching up on my TAST project. I couldn't resist and did purchase the LIfe is Beautiful pattern!

Kate said...

Enjoy your hand stitching today. I don't have a favorite hoop, but I do like the newer plastic ones with the lip. Those seem to work best for me.

Deb A said...

Love the photo quilting outside. I think I might pop my little quilt in my favorite 14 inch hoop and sit outside today in the sunshine with some stitching.

MissPat said...

Your lakeside stitching photo holds the promise of warmer days when outside stitching will again be possible. I would think that you may have reached a tipping point with Life is Beautiful and be anxious to finish it up. I will be hand sewing the binding on a quilt for a UFO challenge.

quiltingbydawn said...

Oh, how I wish I could sit outside at a lake and do some slow stitching. I would be sitting in a foot of snow! I hope to do some binding today also. It is one of my favorite parts of means a finish is almost there!

dianne said...

i meant to say last week how good it was/is to see your Life Is Beautiful blocks again - i think they might be my very favorite of all your lovely lovelies...

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Such a pretty project you are working on and love the little bird on your quilted mat. I enjoy sitting and doing handwork too. I have 2 hoops that I enjoy for quilting. These favorites are the round hoops that I purchased at the Goodwill. I hope you have a lovely evening quilting. Thank you so much for hosting this link party. Happy quilting.

Deb said...

How great the Life is beautiful blocks are done. The pattern is still available. I have a 14" wooden hoop I like to use when I am hand quilting, I have two floor quilt frame one I posted about today. Happy Stitching, and the lake view I imagine is so relaxing.

Karrin Hurd said...

What a great place to stitch! I love that backing! Happy stitching!

Jill said...

This is just a guess, but it appears that your lakeside quilting photo was taken on a bluff overlooking Lake Huron. Lots of people use the round wood quilting frames. I have not yet tried one. When I hand quilt, I prefer the PVC snap frames that come in a rectangle shape.