Sunday, January 10, 2021

Slow Sunday link

Welcome to the weekly link up celebrating the art of hand stitching! We are interested in anything you are stitching with your very own hands including knitting, tatting, applique, hand piecing, rug making, english paper piecing, quilting, embroidery, cross stitch, and beading. 

I have started yet another face/dish cloth and am enjoying the pink Sudz yarn. I think the reason I am more likely to pick up knitting rather than other types of stitching in the evenings is because my eyes are tired, and knitting doesn't require good eyesight. I work on zoom/computer all day now and it is really taking a toll on my eyesight. I think I'm going to need one of those magnifier lamps to keep doing other types of hand work in the winter evenings.

But today I plan to put a stew in the crockpot for supper and then spend the day light hours enjoying hand quilting. 

I came across a lovely story about a Canadian knitter living in Italy and creating a knitted covid sculpture. If you want to read it too, click on this link: Making Sense of the Pandemic 

What are you hand stitching today? We would love to see your project and hope you will link up your blog post below and inspire us with some of your hand work.
Hope you are staying safe and feeling well!


ButterZ said...

Would like to have linked up but I can’t work out how to.
My last post shows my hand stitching binding in progress

ButterZ said...

Who hoo. I got the link up to work...

Ivani said...

Definitely Pink is January color for 2021. Your face/dish cloth looks cute.

Sarah said...

Pretty pink yarn, wonder what the picture will be? I read the piece about the covid sculpture, I'm not sure I could have done what she is doing but everyone copes in different ways. I love the knitted tree covers!

Jill said...

Wise woman to switch to easier-on-the-eyes stitching in the evenings. I have the same concern and purchased a magnifier with lights. It made a big difference. Interesting about the knitter in Italy. Amazing she can keep up.

Kim said...

My goodness, an amazing sculpture piece Sarah McLean is knitting. I have a feeling she will be knitting for a very long time yet. That yarn is a pretty pink. Enjoy your stew and your hand quilting.

linda said...

I'm having problems with my eyes too and usually knit something easy like socks in the evenings. Nite I'm off to read about the COVID sculpture. Have a peaceful Sunday.

The Cozy Quilter said...

I saw the article about the Italian knitter earlier this week. So sad that her project is so large and still growing.
I will be starting another baby washcloth soon. I finished my latest facecloth yesterday. I know what you mean by needing good lighting. I have an Ott floor lamp at my stitching spot.
Take care

Kathy S. said...

I never learned to read a pattern like that. I don't know if I have enough "alone" time to concentrate on one like that. Oh stew! Sounds so yummy! We have been using up the last packages of frozen beef parts and pieces from the last time we had a cow butchered. I hadn't made stew for a few year and then it seems like we have it every other week now. It is YUMMY! Have a great week!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your pink yarn looks like it will be happy and fun to play with this week! I'm sorry to hear your eyes are bothered by spending all your work time looking at a screen. I bet a lot of people are experiencing that right now. Let's hope that changes in 2021!

Karrin Hurd said...

Very interesting stories about the COVID-19 knitting projects. My eyes need fixed (cataracts) and I am still working out the logistics of when I will get that done. So I do wear magnifying glasses to do any hand work. Love the color of that pink yarn you are working on. Happy knitting!

Sherry said...

Computer screens are certainly hard on the eyes. Hope a light/magnifier helps. I wear a magnifying head lamp not good for the hair but it helps immensely with hand work. Enjoy seeing your knitted cloths. Lovely shade of pink too.

Birthe Marie said...

Beaautiful with pink colour on your cloth. :-)

Anonymous said...

Your knitting looks lovely! I know what you mean about tired eyes. I get tired from chronic illness (currently diagnosed as fibromyalgia, but other causes re being considered), and it makes it hard to work on small think]gs like beading.


Deb said...

Lovely shade of pink yarn. My eyes seem to like stitching less in the evenings unless I have on my magnifier glasses and lots of bright light,so I often pick up the crochet hook or a good book.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Pretty pink! I too am knitting these is the season for wool, isn't it.

CathieJ said...

I have got to try knitting a wash cloth. Someday soon. I haven't made anything in my crockpot in a while. Now I have to look through some cookbooks.