Friday, March 27, 2020

A New Project Was Required

Over the last week I just. could. not. even.
I'm sure it's the same for most people these days.
I needed a mindless, easy scrap project to work on. I had been working on my March mini, and machine quilting my March UFO, but once they were finished I was just wondering around aimlessly in the sewing room. So many projects and no focus whatsoever.

I really wanted to participate in the two quiltalongs I wrote about last friday as they both looked like great stash busters and lots of fun. But I just couldn't focus.

sew a few HST blocks

I wondered around the sewing room and could not settle on a task until I remembered Carole's new mystery quilt "The Twist". I had already corralled some of the scraps I wanted to use, but hadn't started it yet.
Ahhh... cutting and sewing scraps... no thinking required. 
Just do what she says to do.
steps #2 and #3 blocks

Back in my happy place again! Aren't these eastery spring colours so pretty ? I hope the yellow will work out okay as the background choice.

Even the block trimmings made me happy. I looked at them a long time before I gave myself the stern voice talking to... just put them in the garbage for heaven's sake!!!

Repetitive tasks are just what my brain needed. 
Cut, sew, press, trim, repeat a hundred times.
I feel better already!
Thanks Carole!


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

many of us seem to be having the same problem, we can no concentrate! I was going to start Edyta's mystery and did 2 sections now I am saving the instructions and say maybe one day. The only thing I steadily do is quilt it the evenings while I try to relax enough to sleep - and that didn't do well last night 3 hours - been up for some time now

Julie in GA said...

I didn't even know about Edyta's mystery until I read it on your blog last week. I made the blocks for the first two days, but haven't been keeping up since then. Like Karen, I hope to get back to it one day. I'm having trouble making decisions on which fabrics to use. Totally scrappy looks like a good choice.

Deb A said...

That first paragraph - YES! Pretty yellows - and I think your project is looking great. Those scraps would look lovely in a glass Christmas ball hanging from something..... just being a bad influence =)

Jill said...

Pretty Spring Easter colors for sure!

loraine everard said...

Yes, feeling like that too. It is midday, and I am still in my jammies, not sure that has happened since I was a teenager! Yesterday I finished a great big cross stitch that I started 16 years ago! Today I stayed in bed to finish a really good book, now I have no motivation, but I also have plenty of ufos I could get on with. Shower first to wake me out of my stupor!! Keep well. xxxx

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Your scraps look wonderful, love those colors! I know that feeling of having lots of time but unable to focus. Thank you for working on Scrap Dance Twist and the link! Sew on!!

Mary said...

Those scraps could go in a jar to remember that when you needed mindless stitching, the Spring colors came out. Stitch the worries of the world away!

Debi said...

I am in the same boat as everyone else--wandering around and not getting much done. I love the fabrics you chose for The Twist! Have fun!

Louise said...

Yup. I'm with ya. Following someone else's instructions is what's working for me right now. So I did Gudrun's QAL the other day, and now I'm making the Magic Star block that Joyful posted from an old layer cake. And enjoying my pretty trimmings! So we're on the same page, you and I :)

Jacqui's Quilts said...

LOL Kathy. I'll bet after Deb A's comment you are raiding your garbage can!! I can so relate to that!!

I've been very good and just focusing on my UFO's! So far lol. One of these days a project will come up on the internet and there will I go! Your blocks look very fun and spring like! Perfect therapy.

The Joyful Quilter said...

I, too, succumbed to the lure of a new project (or two.) Cut, sew, press, repeat. Soothe that worried mind!

Janet O. said...

LOL I know that "can't even" feeling. And eventually something happens to trigger new enthusiasm. For you that seems to be a mystery quilt.
Those are wonderful colors to have in front of you at such a time as this.
Glad you were able to force yourself to throw away the shavings. I mean, I save tiny pieces, but you have to draw the line SOMEWHERE!!

Deanna W said...

Hope your mojo continues to improve. I have missed you in blogland. I have started that Edyta mystery and am enjoying it. Also started a pattern with snowflakes (spoke about in my blog) both are coming along, but not quickly. Hope for more sewing time this weekend. Been taking long walks and today did a yoga session by myself. All zen now so going to sew!


I love those spring colors and will be watching and waiting to see how they all come together--
I think I am doing/being about what I normally do--each day--though today is harder--as I want to go someplace and spend real life time with a friend and go to lunch or something--!! so instead I have worked on prepping anew project--of which I making 4 of them for gifts for Christmas--cause so far that hasn't been cancelled and once we get back to real life we will be so busy party'n and shopping we won't have time to think about Christmas gifts!!!
luv, di

Susie Q said...

put them in the compost works too.......

Sherrill said...

I've been trying to get Jamestown Landing put together but I've been so busy sewing masks that I've only sewn a few seams on JL. The masks are in such high demand and so desperately needed that I'm focused more on those for the time being.

O'Quilts said...

I am quite the surprised quilter to see that I am not alone..Ennui and angst have taken over and I do not even feel like making the masks for my friend.
Good ideas do mindless sewing..maybe a one patch for gifting xoxoxo
Best to stay in the day...oh, so hard.

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

I am feeling just like you - unfocused and unable to concentrate for very long. I did sit and mindlessly piece squares for an hour yesterday and felt like I'd achieved more in that time, than I had all week.
Those fabrics you're using are just so lovely and I look forward to seeing what you make with them xx

Shelina said...

A new project looks like a great idea when you can't concentrate. That is a pretty color palette and I had to laugh at your hesitation at throwing away the trash. I tend to do that too. Hesitate, sometimes even keep, the fabric slivers.

Angie said...

I totally get where you're coming from! I do want to start something new, something creative, but I just can't stay focused. It's easier to do mindless things, like assembling already-made blocks, or prepping fabric for blocks. Love your spring colorway!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

The trimmings looked like Easter grass. Yes, no one can concentrate well right now. I was still working until Monday (will only work now when my client's wife gets to work). As I stayed home, my concentration improved.