Sunday, March 08, 2020

Slow Sunday Stitching

Happy International Women's Day AND Happy Slow Sunday Stitching! 
I attended a local women's march yesterday and the weather was spectacular and sunny at only minus 6 degrees! This is one of my favourite views in my city and we were so happy to be out in the sunshine.

I never miss an opportunity to participate in a women's march to honour all the women who have marched before me, and for 2 other reasons:
1) every six days in Canada a woman is killed by her intimate partner, and 
2) only 1% of sexual assaults experienced by a Canadian woman lead to an offender being convicted. 

And so today, I plan to relax and recover from the activities of yesterday, as well as from the time change. I hope I'm not too tired to do some hand stitching today!

Last week I wrote about the health benefits from slow stitching and Elle sent a link about the research on knitting "Knit one, Purl one: The Health Benefits of Knitting".  Thanks Elle! I was particularly interested in the references to article studying how social isolation and loneliness are associated with increased mortality.
Involvement in Slow Sunday Stitching is not only providing you the health benefits from stitching, but also from social contacts and hopefully decreasing your loneliness, which will also help you to be happier, healthier, and live longer! 

Let's get hand stitching! 
What are you working on today? Link up your blog post and share your slow progress.


Anorina @SameliasMum said...

Enjoy your slow stitching this weekend :)

Kim said...

Ooh....a heat wave at -6 degrees! The statistics for domestic violence is similar here in Australia, just horrible. Good on you for marching. Hope you enjoy some lovely slow hand stitching today.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Good for you, marching for women is a wonderful way to support those victims of domestic violence. I'm starting my annual project for those women in my community now too. I hate the switchovers for DST, wish the powers that be would just pick a time and stick to it.

Denise :) said...

You've been busy; you need the day to relax and recuperate!! Enjoy the extra hour of sunlight! :)

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

your walk with women sounds like it must have been fun!! that is something that would be neat to participate in I think. Blogging with other quilters/knitters/crochet - all of you are my social interaction - I just do not have close friends but I admit since loosing two close friends to early death I haven't tried - I guess I'm afraid of loosing a friend again.

Karrin Hurd said...

I almost did forget to turn my clocks ahead last night! I am glad I am not at -6 degrees, my leg would be locked up for good! Have a great day!

Elle said...

So glad you enjoyed the link. I believe solice and hand stitching heal the soul and help us re-center for the week ahead.

Today? I'm hand stitching binding. I'll finish off 1 and begin the next. I love this part of finishing love into the quilts I gift away.

Happy Sunday.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

My book club is studying women's suffrage this month - I am definitely appreciating the women who have gone before us! Have a wonderful Sunday, Kathy!

Lyndsey said...

Happy international women's day. The statistics are as bad if not worse here in the UK. People here have changed their opinions of how women should be treated but it is a slow job. I now march with my daughters in celebration of women and also to continue raising awareness of the inequality that is still prevelant.

Carla A Few Of My Favorite Things said...

Yes, although we have come a long way, we need to do better. My daughter just told me the USA ranks 75th in the world for the amount of women in politics. I think a great start here is changing girls attitude about education. It's the one thing I did for my daughter and she thrives in the software industry which is mostly a male world. Has endured bosses that used her (hate that part) and has come out shining. Everything takes time! I just hope we can respect each individual, I wouldn't want my daughter looking down on me from the corporate world saying you quilt????

Jill said...

Thanks, Kathy, for marching. Glad you had good weather. Enjoy your day of rest and slow stitching!

Wendy Caton Reed said...

You are so right! We all should be thankful for those courageous women who went before us. Thanks for doing your part. Love the new header photo. You are really coming along!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I did a little bit of hand stitching Sunday morning.

Cynthia@wabi-sabi-quilts said...

Hurray for International Women's Day. Thank you for marching! There's a lot to reflect on with gratitude, and a lot of progress yet to be made.

Kate said...

Minus 6? Guess spring hasn't sprung yet up north. I'm a firm believer in the benefits of both stitching and blogging, I'd have gone insane years ago without both!