Too much fun.
Too much excitement.
Too much creative inspiration.
I'm full to overflowing and haven't had the time to blog about it yet.
Look who met me at the welcome desk! It's Christine who I met at a class at Quilt Canada in St. Catharines two years ago!
And then look who was in my class today... three of the quilters that were in one of the classes I took at the same Quilt Canada two years ago.
It's Ann, Jackie and Christine!
We just keep showing up together! It's such a small world sometimes.
And of course I have to mention that the food has been fantastic at the receptions! Quilters love fabric and food... in that order!
I will write more about my classes and the quilts tomorrow. Having a blast at QC!
I have never seen so much fun food at any of the quilt events I have attended!!
Loks like a great event.
Enjoy the event and the food as well ;-)
How fun to re-connect with ladies from a previous Quilt Canada. The food looks yummy. We don't mix our food with a Quilt Show around here.
I'm so envious! But I'll be there today and hope to see it all!!
Interesting connections. I met Christine this year through a friend from my guild. How nice to have so many quilting friends.
Kathy, I took the same food pictures! Thanks for the honourable mention. I loved my days at Quilt Canada, Volunteering was fun. My class was a great experience. The quilt show was amazing. I saw many friends and made some more. Can't get much better.
Christine from Ontario
You're welcome! It was great to see you again! So funny that we took the same photos... creative minds think alike!
Looks like lots of fun.
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