Time for me to "practice what I preach" in terms of self care. So I plan to have a pyjama day and do nothing productive. Part of me is very anxious about that decision since it's so close to Christmas, but it is what it is.
Thanks for all the ideas shared last week on how to hand quilt the center block on my Journey quilt from last week's post. I would love to try each of these ideas, and hope to use them in various blocks in this quilt.
Right now, I have 4 needles going at once around the center block so that I don't have to keep moving my hoop so often. Then I hope to quilt that center block this afternoon while I watch one of my favorite Christmas movies "It's a Wonderful Life".

What are you slow stitching this Sunday?
Share a blog link to your hand stitching post below...can't wait to see what you're working on!
I will not exactly be "slow" Stitchin'! I am hoping to get a baby quilt quilted by machine and also I hope to finish up a little smocked baby outfit. That was my goal yesterday too, so I do hope it happens! I hope you feel better! I am just getting better after coughing for over a month...yuk! Thus, my two Christmas presents mentioned are still not done!! Have a relaxing day!
Good for you Kathy! We need that time to rewind, rejuvenate, re-energize! I love that movie too :*) Watching it with a quilt project in your lap is the perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon!
I won’t be slow stitching today but I just need to know about your beautiful blog header picture.
I'm starting that Kansas Sunflower block! I hope to get a bunch of it done while watching survivor tonight. Lots of dog ear trimming from part 2 of the mystery too!
I'm so glad to have something to stitch this week!
Love the words from Caroline Myss. Very true.
Well, I tried to link but apparently messed up on my image! Anyway, happy to join you in some hand work today!
A pajama day sounds like such a nice thing! But today was church, three choir practices (getting ready for Christmas programs) and the family dinner. Maybe after Christmas I can have a pajama day!!
I love pajama days - they are very good for the soul! I hope you are feeling better and that a day of rest has energized you.
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