Seeing finished quilts inspires us all to keep working on our projects. I saw this finished Shop Hop quilt at the London Friendship Quilters' Guild show on the weekend. It was made by Yvonne Yardy. She collected and sewed all 14 blocks, made the quilt top, basted, quilted and bound the quilt, and entered it into a quilt show...
and I haven't even taken some of the blocks out of their packages yet!
This is the perfect time of year to work on this project with these lovely fall colours and now that I'm inspired by this quilt I'm going to start opening these packages. I won't be making all the blocks that are in the quilt above since I didn't get around to all the stores, but I will make most of them.
That's a lovely quilt. Have fun working on these blocks!
That is a pretty design. I'm sure you can fill in with your own ideas where you are missing a block.
Love the pumpkin, tree and cornucopia. Great quilt!
A gorgeous project ♥
I like how the quilt goes from light at the top corner to dark on the opposite bottom corner. I am guilty sometimes of the same thing as you. Good intentions with little kits to make a quilt that doesn't happen.
I have a project from a shop hop that was in 2005, I think. It's still in the bag, with the receipt. One of these days......
I made some of these blocks and some of the Lindsay/Oshawa shop hop blocks while I was at retreat the other weekend. I won't be making them all either..not a fan of some of them. Love the finished quilt design....might have to mimic that one!
It looks fabulous.
Loved this quilt too...didn't get to any of the shop hop this year as we were in Holland in July, but I do have some blocks from the previous two years that haven't been started yet either! We all seem to suffer from the same disease eh? UFO's. And, LOL...is the Indian Orange Peel inspiring you to finish yours yet? It's so true that seeing a finished quilt gets us motivated to work on our unfinished projects. I was very inspired at the show. Next up is finishing my Canada Row quilt...those four finished quilts at the show got me motivated again. Onward ho to paper piecing polar bears :-).
Love the color wash from light to dark. Beautifully done! Have fun working on your blocks.
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