Sunday, November 12, 2023

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly hand stitching party!

It's time to take a deep breath, pick up your needle and threads, and put some stitches in a project that makes your heart happy.

I finally finished a cross stitch this week. Now it is an "FFO" - a Fully Finished Object!

I had been debating how to finish some of my UFOs and decided to just add a binding and make them into little wallhangings. This pattern is called "Strawberry Faire" by October House.

I sandwiched the stitchery like I do when making a quilt (top, batting and backing) and attached a binding. Then I made a little triangle label (usually a 4"  square folded on the bias) to attach to the bottom corner. And I put 2 smaller folded squares in the top corners to put a tiny dowel in for hanging. Then I stitched the binding down.

I adore the perfect backing fabric that I found at Ye Olde Fabric Shoppe, with the little animals and fall foliage! The finished size of this little quilt  is: 6.25" x 4.25"

I have chosen bindings for these 4 stitcheries - 1 done and 3 to go. Today I will work on adding binding to these projects and turn them into little wallhangings.

My question for you this week is... how do you prefer to slow stitch? Do you listen to music or silence? Do you usually stitch in the football stands, medical appointment waiting rooms, or your crafty corner?

In her Monday blog post Bonnie Hunter said: 

I love the contemplation time that the slow hand stitching brings. ⁣

Do you enjoy the quiet time to reflect and ponder? Sometimes I do enjoy that, but if I'm not waiting at a medical appointment (a perfect time to hand stitch!) I enjoy listening to a podcast or watching a flosstube video while I stitch. Currently my favourite flosstubes are: Running with scissors (with Jane and Julie), Momma loves you GB, Sew me Sarah, Helen D., Sarah's stitchy spot, Cross stitch Cait, and Colorado cross stitcher. If you have a favourite flosstube channel, please tell us in the comments.

We look forward to seeing what you are hand stitching today!


The Cozy Quilter said...

You are going to have a wall full of pretty cross stitch projects. Great way to finish them off. Sometimes, I listen to an audiobook when I’m stitching. Sometimes, I just stitch in silence. I like to cross stitch in the car when we are on a long boring drive. Stitching with a friend and chatting is fun too, but I don’t get an opportunity to do that very often. Take care. Thanks for hosting this group of slow stitchers each week.

Kate said...

Your FFO is really cute and you've got some other cute stitched projects to finish up. Looks like a very productive week on the stitchery UFOs. I either listen to music or watch Netflix when I'm hand stitching. Have a fun week.

Angela said...

I enjoy listening to podcasts. I also enjoy silence. It depends on the day.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That's a fun way to finish a cross-stitched piece - I'll have to try that with one of mine. I tend to slow stitch with the TV on - it keeps me awake in the evenings! I haven't watched any Flosstube, but should take a look at some of your suggestions. Enjoy your stitching today, Kathy!

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Handwork has been sparse for me this fall, but when I do have a project, I most like to stitch while watching football games on TV. I never take stitchery to appointments, as around here the wait is never long enough to get it all out and start. So books are better for that.

Karla (ThreadBndr) said...

That's a really cute finish! And it looks like they would go quick (even better LOL).

I tend to 'watch' podcasts or floss tube when I stitch at home, but I always have a travel project or two on the go for appointments and other times when I have to 'sit'. (See my post this time - I swear I didn't plan it go so well with the 'question of the week' - it just happened!)

Chantal said...

I love your little "FFO". You found a smart way to finish up some smaller stitcheries. I like it. I usually don't stitch in a hoop, as I have a wooden frame to quilt. Back when I did my hexy quilt, I brought those little pieces everywhere with me and did most of them during lunchtime at work. I listen to something while I stitch, mostly audiobooks, but silence is nice too; it all depends on how rough the day at work was. Since this quilt is in a hoop, I can sit in the living room and watch TV. That's fun and I think I'm hooked on it. Have a great stitching day. ;^)

Sarah said...

Nice way to finish off your little cross stitches. I try and put a few stitches into one project or another daily. So I could be listening to an audio book, the radio, my husband or just silence!

Karrin Hurd said...

Beautiful cross stitch project finishes! I usually listen to music slow stitching, or pretty much all day long. Sometimes it is an audio book. If it is in the evening I might be watching TV and stitching.

Lisa in Port Hope said...

I have framed cross-stitch in the past but for me, the joy is in the making, not the dusting, so thanks for sharing this finish.

Linda said...

I really like the little corners you added to slip the dowl into. I like silence when I stitch, perhaps so I can hear myself talking to myself!

CathieJ said...

I love how you finished that cross-stitch. I like the bindings you have planned for the other UFOs. I usually stitch either with music playing or in quiet. I have a couple of cozy spots in my house where I sit and stitch. I can't watch anything when stitching, because then I tend to make mistakes. I want to start watching some Floss-tube videos while I knit or crochet. Thanks for the recommendations.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Woo Hoo on finishing Strawberry Faire, Kathy! It is gorgeous as are all of your stitches. Little wall hangings will look adorable for each and every one of these. Thank you again for stitching Autumn Stamps and the Mini Squirrel Sampler. You brightened my day.