Sunday, October 15, 2023

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly hand stitching party! Make yourself a cup of tea or coffee, or pumpkin spice latte to enjoy while visiting the blogs of stitchers around the world. It's so inspiring to see what other people are creating with their own two hands.

I admitted to myself this week that I may have a tiny problem! Apparently I love to start new projects, but don't enjoy finishing them! Here is a photo of my design wall today with several embroidery and cross stitch projects that I have worked on this year.

I loved stitching each one of them and yet there they are - still unfinished. I likely will finish them some day, but for now, I will put them on the design wall and enjoy looking at them. Does anyone else have this problem?!? 

In keeping with my bad habit, I am working on a new cross stitch called "Owls and Acorns" which is a free pattern from Blue Ribbon Designs. I have finished the top border of acorns and leaves, the 2 owls, and much of the alphabet. SO FUN! 

I'd like to announce that the winner of the draw for the Strawberry Faire pattern that I posted 2 weeks ago is Carol C. Email me your address Carol and I can get the pattern in the mail to you (you are listed as a "no reply blogger") Congratulations on the win and I hope you enjoy this pattern as much as I did!

What are you hand stitching today? Are you a stitcher who finishes every project? Or do you jump into new starts knowing that you have a pile of UFO's? Link up your blog post below and share your projects with us.


Jenny said...

Hi Kathy, I dont think your problem is too bad - at least you finish your stitcheries before pinning on your wall! I think most of us have lots of starts and not quite as many finishes.

The Cozy Quilter said...

What a lovely display of cross stitch projects! Have you ever considered making bowl fillers with them? Quick and easy to finish and a nice way to display them. I tend to make large cross stitch pictures and then have them framed. I have my spring bunny ready to be framed and will soon be finished the sunflowers and will have both framed at the same time. Thanks once again for hosting the Slow Sunday Stitchers each week. I have mdr friends with people from all over the world and love seeing what everyone is making.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I definitely do the same thing, Kathy! I love several kinds of hand stitching and do quite a bit of it, but don't always feel inspired to fully finish them. Slowly each project will turn into something, though! Have a wonderful Sunday!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

Hand work today will be Noriko's Star when I can in between the outside and errands

Kate said...

You have some lovely finished projects up on the design wall. I have several unfinished stitching projects sitting in the sewing room (some of them have been UFOs longer than I've been quilting). Enjoy your slow stitching Sunday.

Deb A said...

I have way too many UFO's but at least your stitcheries are completed! I have one half done... sitting waiting since early 2000's! Good thing our projects are patiently waiting for us to get back to them. Have a wonderful week and thank you for hosting and reminding us to slow down and breathe!

Sarah said...

I’m the same as you Kathy! Love working on a project but not great at completing them once I’ve finished stitching and of course there’s always another more exciting project round the corner! LOL

Angela said...

Starting something new is so fun!

Karla (ThreadBndr) said...

I have an entire "under the bed box" of finished but not fully finished needlework. Last time I counted, there were something like 45 pieces in it from ornaments sized up to Dutch Beauty! I need a plan to whittle that number down...

Framing can get pricey, but worth it for ones like the Serenity Prayer and some of those little pieces like the squirrel one would make nice 'pin pillow' or 'door hanger' finishes. That just takes a scrap of quilting fabric, some fiber fill and maybe a package of rick rack or ribbon.

Jayne Honnold said...

I totally relate to you "problem." However, rather than become aggravated at myself for not finishing things, I just try my best to keep track of them and sometime down the road I will - one by one - make them a priority.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Kathy, I'm like that too! Some projects I do finish right away, but that's usually because I want to give them away, blog about them or put them into a show. Others will take me forever to finish. Sometimes it's just adding a sleeve and others are just not quite finished because I'm not sure what to do. I love starting new projects, especially smaller ones - they don't feel like such a big commitment (although they often are in the end)! You're in good company :-)
BTW, I love your Owl and Acorns.

gleessa said...

I have all completed the blocks for 4 quilt tops completed (all hand work) and not one completed top ever

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I have a HUGE pile of UFO's. Several years ago my little quilt guild had a UFO challenge. I counted up the UFO's in my sewing room (didn't even get to those in the basement) and it was around 70+. I'm going to give some of those away, since I know I'll never finish those (some were given to me).

CathieJ said...

Once I get to the end of a stitching project, I usually finish it. I have a few finished cross-stitch pieces that I designed that have yet to become a finished project, but if I stitch a design I have to finish it. I love all those pieces on your design wall though. Owls and acorns is cute. So many great things to little time. Sigh....