Sunday, November 05, 2023

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly hand stitching party!

Last night we turned the clocks back one hour because it is the end of Daylight Saving Time. Which means (in theory) that we all get an extra hour of sleep. In truth it feels like we only get an extra hour of darkness every evening! 

I will be a tired stitcher today because of the time change and also because I got the double whammy of 2 vaccines (flu and covid) after work on Friday. My body needs time to adjust and rest, and I will happily give that to myself! Last year I missed a month of work with a 2 week covid episode and a very nasty 2 week flu, so I am hoping these shots give me a fighting chance to not have to go through that again.

In her most recent flosstube episode, Sheri the Colorado Cross Stitcher talked about "comfort stitching". She encouraged us to think about what that means to each of us. 

To me comfort stitching means an "easy" project, requiring no concentration and lots of warm fuzzies.... which for me is quilt binding. I love to snuggle under a beautiful scrappy quilt that a guild friend creatively pieced, and another talented friend quilted on her long arm, and I slowly finish it with a hand stitched binding. A quilt made by 3 quilters to give to someone in need  brings much comfort to all the makers.

Earlier in the week I started a Mill Hill kit and it was like Christmas morning dumping out the contents to see what was in the package - pretty floss, and sparkly beads!

The instruction booklet is intense, but I dove in and started reading.

The first thing I did was play with organize the DMC floss that came in a clump. There are 11 colours in this kit. I punched holes around an old thank you card that came with an online order, wrote the numbers and names of the floss beside each hole, and threaded the floss through. Works for me!

This is NOT a comfort stitch! This is intense stitching with lots of colour changes and concentration is required. The design is pieced on perforated paper, which is an interesting change from stitching on Aida cloth and linens. The holes are filled in with beads once all the floss stitching is done. I am using highlighters to show me the stitching that I've done. I am enjoying the process so far, but it's put away until my brain power has restored itself!

What is a "comfort stitch" for you? Are you working on comfort stitching today, or a challenging project, or both??! Share your slow progress with us and link up your instagram or blog post below.


The Cozy Quilter said...

I have never stitched on perforated paper before. Is this your first time? I love doing the hand stitching on a binding too. I am at a quilting retreat this weekend I no blog post for today. Watch for lots of pictures of my projects next weekend. I already have a few finishes. ..

Birthe Marie said...

let's hope the vaccines help. in Norway, only those over 65 are allowed to take the covid vaccine now, but I have also taken the flu vaccine. I think setting the clock is nonsense. We do it in Norway too, on the last Sunday in October we got winter time. I also think that an embroidery is easy to take out and very good to take with you on a visit, and is usually relaxing. Your stitching looks nice and exciting, but it requires a lot of concentration. Happy stitching!

maggie fellow said...

I agree about hand binding - but I have started machine binding to get through the long list of ufos

Gretchen Weaver said...

I've had a busy week and haven't touched Hearts & Wreaths since Tuesday evening. I hope to have an afternoon of relaxing applique. A nap might happen too. My sleep habits don't change very fast so I was up at normal time which, unfortunately, was WAY early. Happy stitching!

CathieJ said...

I love using odd bits of cardboard for floss organizing. I never thought of using old cards. Great idea! I love that Mill Hill kit. Thanks for the Flosstube link. I have all kinds of stitching in the works at once. Comfort stitching is usually crochet or knitting for me, though I do love to lose myself in a complicated cross-stitch sometimes as my brain has to concentrate and I can forget anything that is bothering me.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I had both the flu and the Covid shots on the same day a few weeks ago, and had the same reaction for the next day, too. Thankful to have that taken care of! Your new kit looks fun and challenging - enjoy!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sorry you had both the flu and covid last year. I hope the shots keep you healthy this year. I've been lucky I guess - although I do get every vaccine they have - I have not had any of all this awful stuff for years in fact I don't think I have had the flu even since the late 1980's. I hope you feel better from the vaccines soon.

Angela said...

I also enjoy organizing floss!

Deb A said...

Hope you are feeling better as the day goes on. Yes, binding and straight line or follow the shapes quilting is also a good one for comfy stitching. I hope to have some binding to stitch later tonight if I can get off the computer and finish the machine quilting on the hearts wall hanging. Have a relaxing day.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Those vaccines can knock you down for a day, but it sure beats 2 weeks of being sick! I feel the same way about quilt binding, it is a meditation that doesn't require a lot of thought.

Linda said...

Hope you don't have adverse effects of the 2 vaccines you got. We had ours separately and didn't have any effects, other than the sore arm for a day or too. Comfort stitching to me is something that doesn't require a lot of though, not sure what stitch I would pick though. Crochet fits that definition. It is always fun to start a new kit and explore all that is involved. Have a good Sunday.

linda said...

I've had my flu vac but because I had covid a few weeks ago as yet haven't had the jab. I hope your shots are effective, covid really knocked me for six and my voice is still gravelly. I love comfort stitching to be honest I think it's the only kind I do, I'm not a clever enough sewer to do anything complicated. Have as great week.

Karrin Hurd said...

I also love to stitch binding down, all the time keeping your legs warm. I need to go get both shots, on my agenda for next week.

Julierose said...

Both DH and I got pretty sick from the Covid shot--we luckily had the flu shot 2 weeks earlier...
My comfort is hand quilting and crocheting--the repetitive motions just let my mind wander relaxing...hugs, Julierose

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

I hope you are feeling better, Kathy and are starting to adjust to the time change. Your Mill Hill project is going to be fabulous. I am always fascinated by the Mill Hill projects but am still intimidated to try them. I look forward to following your progress. Comfort stitching for me is snuggling with a quilt as I hand quilt it. Enjoy your week.

Kate said...

Hopefully you've recovered from the vaccine malaise. I got both together and spent the next day on the couch. Enjoy your slow stitching this week. Fingers crossed that getting the boosters means we won't get as sick if we are unlucky enough to catch either.