Sunday, November 26, 2023

Slow Sunday Stitching

Thanks for dropping by the weekly hand stitching party where we're all about needles, threads, fabric, inspiration and self care! There is no advertising here, no Black Friday sales, nothing to give us grief or stress! It's just pure relaxation, taking deep breaths, and taking one slow stitch at a time. 

And because we are all about slowness, it's not very often that we can announce a finish, but I have had a few little finishes this week. 

I posted my finished Mill Hill kit on Thursday, and my mini squirrel sampler finish on Friday. And today, another finish - "Owls and Acorns" (a free chart from Blue Ribbon Designs). I just love these owls, and although the dark brown thread coverage isn't great on the photo, it looks better in real life. The oak leaves, acorns, letters and the pumpkins were all so fun to stitch!

I was on a roll of finishing little projects there are a couple more smalls around here that I can easily finish with a batting, backing and little binding. 
But I think the desire to finish things is passing now that the annual Quiltville mystery is starting! Today I hope to be digging through scraps and choosing pieces to sew into step #1 HST blocks.

What are you hand stitching at the end of November? Are you finishing things? Starting new things? Share your projects with us below.


Sarah said...

You are on a roll. How great will you feel when you complete those UFOs.

Kate said...

Your Owls and Acrons is really cute! You've done so well on the stitchery front the last few weeks. Enjoy getting started on the BH mystery. Looking forward to seeing your bits and pieces grow.

maggie fellow said...

I haven't decided about the mystery sigh great crosstitch finish - like the owls

CathieJ said...

I am trying to finish a bunch of long term crafts without starting anything new for a while. Well maybe an I-Spy quilt, but nothing big. I like how you finished Owls and Acorns. How will you display it?

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That's another pretty finish! Have fun getting started on the BH mystery. They're always such interesting quilt designs!

Karla (ThreadBndr) said...

You have a a lot of very cute finishes lately! I have decided that I won't do the BH mystery quilts AS mysteries. The pace is just too much for me. I'll enjoy watching yours 'from the sideline'. I'm focusing on doing the finishing on several potential Christmas gifts and possibly some more charity knittin.

Cathy said...

I just love cross stitch samplers with the alphabet on them. Congrats on your recent finishes.

Angela said...

It does feel good to finish projects. It feels good to start new ones too! All good!

Rebecca Grace said...

Those owls on your cross stitch sampler are wonderful, Kathy!

Karrin Hurd said...

Beautiful finish! My daughter would love those owls. I too am going to start Bonnie's mystery, hopefully in a couple of days when I get my decorations finished.