Sunday, November 19, 2023

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly hand stitching party where you can visit with members of the Slow Sunday Stitching crew around the world, right from the comfort of your own home! 

I have 2 accomplishments to share this week!

First, I have almost finished all the cross stitching on my Mill Hill kit called 'Gobble Gobble'. I really enjoyed stitching on the perforated paper that came in the kit. Today I'll be working on stitching the beads which will be really fun!

Second, I finished stitching Melisa's Mini Pumpkin Sampler. What a fun pattern - thank you Melisa! I used my own fall floss colours and learned that I really like stitching letters. I don't enjoy "block" stitching, like where all the orange stitches are  in the big pumpkin because it's kind of boring. But I guess it's good for those stitching times when you don't need to really concentrate on the stitching.

I have 2 guild quilts that I am binding and would like to return them in a finished state next weekend, so I also must get going on that.

But I'm starting to get the itch to stop stitching fall/everything, and start stitching Christmas. Are you a seasonal stitcher - influenced by calendar? Or do you work on your scheduled projects no matter the time of year?

Please link up your instagram or blog post below and share your slow stitching projects with us.


Gretchen Weaver said...

Your cross stitching pieces are lovely! I can easily sew out of season. I'm very glad I made Christmas quilts last spring/summer, they're reason to be displayed now. Happy stitching!

The Cozy Quilter said...

Cute Turkey and pumpkins! You shall have a lovely time on this slow stitching day with your beading and binding! Enjoy! I am also itching to work on a Christmas cross stitch and may put my sunflowers aside for now.

Sarah said...

I'm definitely a seasonal stitcher! I'm always starting something new, well Christmas is round the corner! I like your little pumpkin sampler, very cute.

CathieJ said...

I love your fall stitching. I do not usually enjoy stitching letters. I prefer the big chunks of color. I stitch seasonal items all year round. I don't like to feel the pressure of finishing for a specific holiday. Enjoy your stitching.

Kate said...

Both of your cross stitch projects are really cute. Enjoy your binding time today. I'm pretty good at sticking with my planned stitching. Though some of Melisa's cross sttich patterns are really, really tempting. Enjoy your slow stitching today.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Two cute projects! The mini pumpkin Sampler is one of my favorites - I have to admit I get a little bored when there is lots of fill in stitch, too, though. I'm definitely a seasonal stitcher - bring on the Christmas projects! Enjoy your stitching today, Kathy!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

thank you for having the link up it is always nice to see what other slow stitchers are up to!

Angela said...

Your seasonal projects are so lovely! I don't generally work that way but I can certainly see the appeal.

Karla (ThreadBndr) said...

I'm pretty good about keeping to my rotation. But my Santa ornament has been demanding some attention lately, so there's that LOL.

grammajudyb said...

I’m very influenced by seasonal stitching. I’m rarely succoring getting a project finished dorthe current season. But I figure Halloween or Thanksgiving or Christmas will come around again right? Aren’t Mill Hill kits fun! Can’t wait to see your Gobble Gobble with all the beads! ❤️

Deanna W said...

Your little stitcherys are cute! I love stitching or quilting no matter the season. Although I will say with that sometimes you can't always find what you need if it is out of season. Good luck getting your binding done. I have 3 quilts for charity I would like to have done, but the weekend got away on me!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Aaah, Kathy your Mill Hill Gobble Gobble is adorable. I look forward to seeing it all beaded . And you Mini Pumpkin Sampler is gorgeous. Thank you so much for adding it to your fall stitching. You made my day. I hope you enjoyed each and every stitch. Have a lovely week.