It's such a great feeling to finish a quilt!

This was a "pinch hitter" for my originally designated UFO of the month. I am delighted to have this one finished, although I am still looking for the original project of the month.
This quilt was started at the 2017 Superbowl party, so that's about a year and a half from start to finish, which is a pretty quick turnaround time for me!
I used several different quilting designs on this quilt and you can read more about the machine quilting here. I'm happy that the curvy diagonal lines can be seen in this photo!
The quilt pattern is by Kris Driessen of QuiltBug and was for a square quilt. I added two more rows, and sashing to make it a lap quilt and the finished size is 47" x 63.5".
The border, binding and backing were all made from this fabric.
This quilt isn't the right size for Victoria's Quilts, so it is being donated to the comfort quilt collection at my local guild.
Good for you met your goal for this month. I am sure next month's will be easier with summer coming to an end!!!
Great finish. I hope you can find the UFO you are missing. I joined a SAL in January because I already had the pattern. I've misplaced one section of it and have had to improvise. I'm sure that pattern section is in my sewing room somewhere but at this point I probably won't find it till long after the quilt top is finished.
Congratulations on finishing your quilt, it's always a great feeling, isn't it. So nice of you to be donating your quilt to give comfort to a cancer patient, there are an awful lot of us around, patients undergoing treatment, which can be a real challenge. As a cancer survivor a few years down the track I thank you.
Very pretty finish and I love that border print..just right with those colors
what a lovely gift that I am sure will be much appreciated.....hug--and Happy Labor day weekend to you Julierose
Nice Finish! Yes, a substitute done is as good. I like that it was made bigger.
Congrats on the finish. One of my friends here used to participate in Victoria quilts when she lived in Calgary. She usually buys flannel for backings for the ladies in her old group (way cheaper here than in Canada).
I like this one, way to go! I do not get to sew near enough now!
Congrats on a nice finish. Good of you to donate it to such a great cause!
I got a chuckle out of your "quick turnaround" comment. That would be quick for me, too, for any quilt large enough to provide warmth!
It's gorgeous! The quilting is lovely.. .someone is going to get a lot of comfort from it! xx
Congrats on the really pretty finish! And thank you for donating generously to that great organization :)
Lovely finish! It's going to a good cause. I'm sure they will feel the love put into and get comfort from that.
Congrats on a lovely finish!
That is a beautiful quilt!
What a great quilt, and the wavy stitching is the bomb!! My eye went straight to it. Congrats! 🎉
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