This quilt top has aged perfectly and now is the time for it to become a finished quilt!
I have been stitching together batting scraps to use up.
And then I'll pin baste, machine quilt, and bind this quilt. Can it be done this month? I'm highly motivated since so far this year I've only finished 3 of the 12 quilts on my 2018 UFO list.
Hop over to the One Monthly Goal link up to see more August projects being completed.
Did you mean to include a picture? Would love to see the top!
Best of luck, Kathy!!! You can do it! I have not done too well on my goal of getting at least one UFO done each month! Go Kathy, go!!!
Yes, please, we would love to see the photo! :)
I am seeing the photo so not sure what is happening. I love those little dragonflies...well that is what I see. You can get it finished!!
I just love it...you go!
Oh, it's so pretty! Light and airy and modern. Can't wait to see it finished up :)
You can do it! I'm in the get a finish mode too - far too few this year for me but I hope to change that in the next couple of months... if life doesn't get too crazy.
Oh, I like the folded up corner look. It's like a transparency effect.
Hope it's there now... I reloaded it
A very fun, unique design. I know you can finish it, unless there are squirrels nearby. :)
Great design! I will love seeing this become a completed quilt - I know you'll make this goal.
Fun quilt top. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.
Love this pattern and fabric choices! What is your perfect quilt aging period? 😊 I have some coming up on 7 years! Need to get busy like you.
Good luck with your August UFO. You've only finshed 3 UFOs this year. For some reason I was thinking you'd finished off more than that.
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