Sunday, July 30, 2023

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to Slow Sunday Stitching! Today is also World Embroidery Day, so there is a lot to enjoy today! If you haven't heard of this celebration, it was started in 2011 by Swedish stitchers and every year on July 30th, they encourage people to get outside and stitch in public. The goal is "to acknowledge and promote the craft of decorating fabric using a needle to apply thread or yarn".

Because it is World Embroidery Day I will feature some of my embroidery projects and some links to enjoy.

1) Last year Sarah Homfray posted a wonderful "Stitching around the world" video last year showing lovely embroideries from all corners of the globe.  It's about 37 minutes and I promise you it is worth your time to watch! And she just posted the 2023 video and I catch wait to watch it here. Maybe you'll spot me on next year's video?!?😁

2) Nicola at StitchDoodles created a free design last year to celebrate hand embroidery which you can get access to here when you subscribe to her email list. This has been on my to-start list, and maybe today will be the day?!?

3) I have just started the Days Filled With Joy "Tis the Season" stitchalong. And by just started, I mean the first strand of floss has stitched the word "Tis". I have completely finished the Winter stitchalong, and have finished the stitching on the Spring stitchalong but it's not completely finished yet.  

4) One of my favourite embroideries is the word meditation piece (pattern also from Days Filled with Joy). I finished the hand quilting in May 2022. As you can tell, I like to finish my embroideries in a mini quilt format.

5) My other favourite embroidery is The Serenity Prayer. This was a stamped embroidery from JD Needle Art
The embroidery was finished in September 2022 but it isn't a finished project yet because I can't decide how to quilt it. Do you have any ideas for me?

What are you hand stitching today? Are you working on any embroidery projects? Link up your instagram or blog post below and share your progress with us. (The linky party had a delayed opening coding error, but the doors are wide open now - come join us!


Gretchen Weaver said...

For your Serenity embroidery, I suggest on point cross hatching or dropped diamonds. Those stitches would make a nice background for the words. The links say it starts in 11 hours, I think it needs some adjusting. Happy stitching!

Sarah said...

Not sure I will be stitching outside today, let alone in public, it's pouring with rain! You have posted so many lovely links to follow thank you.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Oh, this is awesome! Thanks for all the links!

Angela said...

Happy World Embroidery Day!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I didn't know it was World Embroidery Day! I'll have to join in with one of my projects! Yours are all so pretty. The link-up says it isn't open until 8 hours from now, but I'll link up when it is ready. Have a wonderful Sunday, Kathy!

Deb A said...

I did not know it was an embroidery day! I guess working on my Frosty's today is the perfect choice.

Kate said...

Happy World Embroidery Day! It's always fun to see what you are stitching on each week. Happy stitching today.

Ivani said...

Happy Embroidery Day, Kathy!
A simple running stitching around the embroidery will work well for me. I am not confortable about quilting over the embroidered stitches.

Deanna W said...

I wasn't aware of embroidery day!? I did buy an embroidery pattern last week at my local quilt store's sale. It was for me to work on this winter. My slow stitching will be later, might get to finally add a green border to the hexie quilt.

CathieJ said...

It is a beautiful day here on Long Island to stitch outside on my front porch. I sometimes share my crafting with the local neighbors out for a stroll or a dog walk. Enjoy your stitching!

Karrin Hurd said...

Beautiful stitching! Happy Embroidery Day! I will be embroidering in my project for sure, but can't reveal the full detail for a couple of weeks. One of my UFOs. Thanks for the link to Stitch Doodles, I downloaded the pattern.