Saturday, July 22, 2023

Red Happenings

The Rainbow Scrap Challenge colour for July is red. The only red thing I sewed this week was a selvage potholder.

It was fun to dig through the selvage bag (and one box) to find some red pieces to use. Most of these selvages I recognize from previous projects, so it's like a trip down memory lane. Since this was made to replace a very used gift from 2019, I was happy to find a piece that says 'England' on it, since the recipient's family is from England. And also a bit ironic to have a piece that says 'Handmaid' on a kitchen project.

My friend asked if she could exchange the old potholder for a new one. She gave me the old one which has burnt edges and feels/smells like it has been dipped in Crisco! I was delighted that my gift was so well used, and it definitely needed to be replaced.

And in other red happenings this week, I bought this pretty kit of fabrics to make the 4th of July project from Modern Holiday table runner by Cluck Cluck Sew. This kit has more teal fabrics than blue which gives it a more Christmasy vibe.

Linking up to the Rainbow Scrap Challenge


Mary said...

A trade in program for selvage makers, lol She got a good trade. I can smell the Crisco, YUCK! Baking to go a Quilting with Guild Friends this morning. Cute fabrics, those reds and teals don't look too Christmasy to me.

The Joyful Quilter said...

It looks like your friend is getting an upgraded version of her old and well-used pot holder, Kathy. Enjoy that lovely new kit fabric!

The Cozy Quilter said...

I made selvage potholders/hot pads for friends and family a few years ago. They were a hit! Your friend certainly was ready for a trade in! Nice kit!

Sara said...

I do love it when I see one of my quilt-y gifts has been well used and loved. The selvage potholder is a great idea. I have a whole bin full of selvages waiting for a new use.

Jenny said...

Selvedges are great for pot holders. I have made a double handed oven cloth with mine, plus a couple of sets of placemats. The selvedge collection never seems to diminish!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That's a great way to use up selvages! And perfect for gifts, too. I'm going to have to remember that!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

I love homemade pot holders and the one you made is absolutely darling. I know your friend will enjoy it. Happy quilting, Kathy.