I worked on a few different things including my Civil War quilt (my UFO of the month).
But I guess I wasn't quite paying enough attention because in spite of having my rows clearly marked, I managed to sew the last two rows in reverse order. Ugh.
We debated just leaving it that way, but there were too many things I didn't like, including having the same sashing prints too close together (I don't do "random" very well!) and I really had my mind set on specific blocks being in the corners.

So my generous sister volunteered to do some unsewing for me. She took off the last two rows and now I need to fix the order of the sashings and cornerstones, and then re-attach the last two rows. But not tonight - I am exhausted from all the shenanigans!
Lucky you to have an 'un-sewing' sister. I like your CW. Almost done, getting there. I don't do total random either. Wait until you see my CS.
Does your sister hire out? : )
Sounds like you do "random" like I do "random"--controlled, planned, structured--take your pick!
What a great sister! And a planned random is just fine.
Your civil war quilt is beautiful!
Sounds like a fun evening! Very nice of your sister to unsew for you! I am in need of a sewing day with friends too.
So happy you had company for you FNSI. Hope you get your blocks fixed -- mistakes always happen when you are most ready to be done
Lovely quilt top... hope you will show it to us "fixed" the way you want it.. I agree the unstitching was worth it and high five to your sis for doing it! Sounds like a fun time was had by all :) thanks for sharing! Kathi
Lucky you to have an 'unsewing' sister. My sister Cheryl used to be my fabric ironing sister until she started quilting...now I have to do it all myself :(!
Your civil war quilt is just so pretty!! How kind of your sister to unsew for you!
you had me at the champagne - what a fun time. Lucky to have a great assistant
I reversed the last two rows on a small quilt I was making but I didn't notice it till it was all quilted. It still bothers me so think I'll eventually unpick the hand quilting stitches and reverse the rows. It will take quite a bit of work - sigh. Good thing you found your mistake right away.
Ugg, I hate it when that happens. At least you noticed it before it was all quilted!
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