Yesterday I was invited to teach a miniature quilt making class for the Hamilton Quilters Guild. It's not too far from my house, and should have been easy to get to, but just because I've been somewhere once, doesn't mean I can get there again, if they stick a new round-about on my path!
Study this diagram and see how helpful it is!
I detest round-abouts!!

So, this is the first sign that confused me.
Okay...I want #8.
Now what does this sign in the middle of the highway mean!?!?
Is highway #8 gone now?
Where is it?!? I need #8 east?!?
There should be a little sign on the bottom that reads..."for those of you who screwed up at the roundabout and are frantically searching for highway #8 east, make a U-turn right now"!
Clearly I need to be on the signage committee!
And this is the sign I missed first time through the round-about when I was trying not to hit anyone, while I figured out my exit.
Oh...if you want to go east, you need to turn right/south as you exit the round-about,
and you don't actually keep driving east until you end up on the 403 east to Toronto, panicking and unable to turn around, when you really want to go to Flamboro, which is supposed to be to the east!
Breathe...breathe...try to access your logical left brain problem solving skills...breathe :)
Needless to say, I was late for the class (OMG) and I'm sure they thought I was not going to show up. I got a few more grey hairs yesterday I'll tell you that!!
And I'm asking Santa for a GPS next Christmas!
But eventually I found them and what a great classroom space they have, with lots of windows, tables to use, and room to spread out.
I was so happy to see a former mini quilt student from about 13 years ago (Hi Jan!) and my former neighbour who lived 2 doors down from me when I was a teenager, and whose niece is now dating my son (Hi Sandra!) ...what a small world it is sometimes!
And what a great day it was!
These quilters were game to tackle anything, and they fearlessly tried out some of the tiny little blocks. They had great scrap bins and fabric collections to make projects from. And there was not one bit of swearing throughout the mini quilt challenges of the day!
Here they are holding various blocks and projects and mini quilts. Thanks so much to all the students for your patience (especially Barb) and for such a fun quilty day!