Sunday, November 08, 2020

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly hand stitching party! We invite you to settle in for some relaxation, visit our inspiring stitchers at the links below, and take some time to put a few stitches in one of your favourite projects.

Last night I was stitching along while watching the historic events unfolding in the USA. It was probably what most of you were doing too. I did make a little bit of progress, but not nearly as much progress as was seen last night in accomplishing equality for women!

Today I will be putting more embroidery stitches into this tea towel. Our Halloween candy was not collected by trick-or-treaters this year (but we had to have some just in case) . "
I'm no quitter" so let's dig in... stitch, eat chocolate, stitch, eat chocolate. But don't get chocolate on the stitchery!

What are you hand stitching today? Is your Halloween candy gone or are you working on that today also?


Gretchen Weaver said...

Your embroidery looks lovely! I don't buy Halloween candy, in 43 years, we've only ever had a trick or treater once. When we had children at home, I'd buy a bag of candy, make my children wait until 8:00 (just in case someone showed up) then they could divide the candy amongst themselves to eat over the next week. I was pretty excited about the election results myself last evening. Of course now we have to listen to rants about cheating and other disputes, such an embarrassment. Happy stitching!

Created by Kathi said...

We don't have trick or treaters... but you will find some Reeses peanut butter cups in my pantry for a bedtime snack or little afternoon pick me up :) I love your embroidery !!! Kathi

Kim said...

I have been glued to my TV for most of this week, actually. I think the world can breathe, again. A most momentous time in history for women; so very exciting. All those chocolates circling your embroidery did make me smile. Very apt, I should think. Enjoy your stitching!

Ivani said...

Yes, all the world was with one eye on the news and other on what else they were doing. Great and historic moment. Your embroidery is looking lovely and the chocolates are just perfec. Enjoy.

CathieJ said...

I didn't buy Halloween candy at all this year. We are taking the socially distancing thing to extremes as my husband and I take care of our quite elderly moms. Your embroidery is looking wonderful. I just couldn't stitch when watching the events last night. I was just enthralled by it all. A great leap of progress for women.

The Cozy Quilter said...

We did not have very many trick or treaters this year. There were some little bags of potato chips leftover which are gone now. We have also been glued to the news this week and watched the speeches last night. An evening of celebration for everyone, especially women! Enjoy your chocolate and stitching today. Somehow, a chocolate stain on your stitchery might be very appropriate.

Kate said...

We had about 30 kiddos for Halloween, we still have the better part of three bags of candy in the pantry. Enjoy your slow stitching today and hopefully you've been able to avoid the temptation to dip into the left over treats.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

I am finally going to get started on my stitchery from the same designer as yours. I still need to pick colors, but I have the transfer done. We never get TOTers up here, so I don't even buy candy. If I did, I would be the one eating it all, LOL, and I need to lose some weight.

Deb A said...

The kids grabbed a couple of small bags that they liked for halloween.... but we did not have trick or treaters so they have been taking a couple in their lunches to school. Binding stitching today! Have a great day Kathy.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

We were sure glued to the TV for much of yesterday morning and then again in the evening when Biden and Harris spoke. It is such a relief to see these results! And, yes, there was stitching and eating of chocolate as well. Your tea towel design has the perfect saying!

Sarah said...

My eye went straight to your circle of chocolate LOL. I really love the sentiment on this t towel! It really is great to see a women in a powerful place! said...

We had about seven trick or treaters. My kids and I had prepared ziplock baggies of candies to hand out. We put a six foot table blocking our front gate and used the BBQ tongs to place the baggies into the candy bags. This was very different from the last 7 years where my son and his friends would build a haunted maze on the front lawn and driveway. Last year we had almost 400 kids. I was glad that everyone we saw (adults and kids) were wearing masks.

I did not get any stitching done last night, I was totally riveted to the TV and the speeches. My hope for the future is for a more unified country.

I love your stitching and am so inspired by this community you have created.

Linda M @ Pieceful Kingdom said...

I love your stitching. We don't get any trick or treaters here, so I don't buy any candy. It helps with the waistline!

Lyndsey said...

I forgot the Halloween candy this year so it was a good job no one rang the doorbell. The election has certainly been exciting and the Vice President elect is an inspiration for women. Love you stitching and such a fun sentiment.

MissPat said...

No candy here this year as we kept the porch light off. We usually have between 80 and 100 trick or treaters. I've been amazed by how many people outside the US were following the election with baited breath. Yes, we can all breathe easier, but I'm waiting for the other shoe to fall, as I don't think Trump will go quietly.

Karrin Hurd said...

I usually have about 2 groups of kids. I had candy in my candy jar, but I bought some more. The only ones I had come over were my 2 youngest grandchildren. So I sent the extra bag over for the 4 grandchildren to enjoy. I need to embroider another one of those chocolate ones before Christmas.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I deliberately bought a box of the little bars that we like just in case some kids came or didn't. We are down a winding laneway so no kids have ever come here except ones we know. So now we have a few treats which I think is a good thing. Very cute embroidery saying and I like how you combined it with your Halloween stash.

Jill said...

Very clever chocolate stitching project and photo shoot!

Jenny said...

The who,e world rejoices, even people down here in the Pacific like us in New Zealand. Hooray for democracy and common sense!