Blockhead. noun block·head \ˈbläk-ˌhed\ A quilter who likes to make a wide variety of quilt blocks, who probably collects books filled with quilt blocks, who has lots of random quilt blocks but still wants to make more.
I have many varied collections of quilt blocks in my studio. Some of the blocks may become a finished quilt one day, but many may not. Is there a purpose to all of this block making? Yes! It keeps me sane and happy, and that is reason enough to start yet another block making project!

Click here to learn all about it. We're making only ONE block a week, from 5 pattern designers, for a total of 48 scrappy blocks. Let's do this thing!

My version of the block is in this bad photo taken late at night on my cell phone. It turned out okay in the end, but I cut the pieces wrong - twice! I read the top left instructions, which are for "layered patchwork" and use glue (*gasp*). That's not the instructions you want to follow. The traditional piecing instructions are on the top right. It took me a while to figure that out. And even when I had it figured out, I still used the top left instructions to cut it wrong... again. Lesson learned... no using a rotary cutter late at night!
Darn you Kathy! Since we are finishing that other one this month... I guess I'll join in too!
that is a cute block!
Hello! My name is Chantal and I am a Blockhead! AND I am proud of it! :^D Interesting sew along, Kathie. Thanks for the link. ;^)
Wow--you are quick! Looks great, in spite of all the grief you suffered during its creation.
I haven't even cut mine out yet, but I think I am going to put a red X through the layered instructions so I don't suffer your fate. I am actually still very on-the-fence about doing it at all. Too many deadlines going on right now.
I'll second your comment about rotary cutting late at night. But sometimes, it is when my sewing time begins. Joining in the Blockheads project because I enjoy 4 of the 6 designers' work.
Your block turned out beautiful!
Thanks for the heads-up! I've picked out my fabric but I haven't started cutting. I was trying to figure out why there were two cutting instructions. Glue? I've never heard of such a thing.
definately block girl must have about 50 in a box! I said no more BOMs but looks like this one needs investigating
Looks like a great start on another fun BOM!
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