Wednesday, June 06, 2018

June UFO

This is me! It has been quite frustrating dealing with some Blogger issues recently and I don't understand how processes that have worked well for years are suddenly broken. Did we wear it out? Perhaps we used it too much and it broke?!? LOL
I remind myself "you get what you pay for" and I haven't paid anything for all the fun that I have had all these years. But still, it is very frustrating and I am sorry that I can't interact with and respond to the wonderful comments left on my blog. At the moment I am still able to read them so thanks for making the effort!
And in case you were wondering why there was no "Design Wall Monday" post this week, another frustration to deal with is that my design wall fell over (wasn't attached to the wall) and broke my primary lamp/light source in my quilting room. 
See the above video of my reaction to this new frustration!
So for the month of June I'm not going to work on a UFO that requires good lighting or a design wall (which is now on the floor!)  My goal will be to finish my Broken Dishes quilt. The machine quilting has been started, so I'll continue with that and get this quilt finished up. I have the binding fabric and will enjoy hand stitching the binding later in the month.
To see more UFO goals, hop over to One Monthly Goal.
One good thing that happened this week is that I won a participation prize for linking up to OMG last month. I received two quilting patterns of my choice from Quilting Jetgirl. Thanks Yvonne for sponsoring the OMG!


Created by Kathi said...

I also am having similar blogger issues... and soo sorry about your design wall and broken lighting source too! Hope sewing goes well on your one monthly goal project ... congrats on winning some new patterns too! Kathi

The Cozy Quilter said...

I don’t like not being able to respond to comments on my blog either. I’m sorry to hear about your broken lamp and fallen down design wall. Ugh! I hope everything is fixed soon and sewing will again take a front seat! Take care! Gail. PS I love the broken dishes...kind of ironic that you are working on broken dishes when other things are broken...

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

It has to be maddening. I hope Blogger gets its act together soon.

Julierose said...

It is totally maddening I agree; I am having the same issues. What could blogger possibly be thinking? Having to go back to find comments on your own blog and then answering on the post is such a pain...I guess someone had what they thought was a "better idea" (for blogger not for us!!) hugs from your frustrated blog friend Julierose

Kate said...

I'm hoping Blogger addresses the email problem soon. I've got work arounds, but they take a lot longer than the old way. Sorry about the design wall and the lamp. Hopefully you can get set back up pretty quickly. I'd be lost without my design wall.

Deanna W said...

Your little frustration video is perfect...reminds me of you to a tee!!! Hope the rest of the week goes better!!

Needled Mom said...

I think we can all relate to that little video! lol

Mary said...

I hear you. My emails from Blogger have stopped too. I hope you can get things back up where they belong. No Quilting happened in my Zone yesterday!!

MissPat said...

I'm not a blogger but I follow many bloggers. Sadly, I think the comments/email issue is a consequence of the European privacy rules and it is unlikely that the old process will be restored. We'll have to wait and see if something replaces it. I just hope bloggers don't move to Facebook (as some have) because I won't do Facebook.
Good luck with your repairs.

Angie in SoCal said...

Oh, the trials of technology. I'm afraid MissPat is probably right about the European policy's impact on Blogger. I can feel your frustration.

AnnieO said...

Oh, no, a design wall and a light? Grrr.
Blogger is making changes to the platform—you can read all about it through the Dash. It’s nothing to do with EU privacy laws. I have tried a hint I read on another blog of making the first comment on my own post and clicking the follow up comments notice box—voila, the comments come to email. Some other blogger said changing settings to have all comments approved before publication works but I haven’t done that.
Nice red and white quilt to play with!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I'm cutting and pasting each comment, then replying to them. Some regular commenters I have email addresses for, but, for the others, if you click on their 'name' by their comment, then it will take you to their contact page. Many of them have their email listed, so, just copy and paste their email address onto the email you have already started. It doesn't take nearly as long as it sounds.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Well, as far as I know Wordpress is working! Sorry to hear that Bloggers are having issues with blogger or bloggers spot.
I have been in that little girl’s shoes - no fun!!!!!!

Mystic Quilter said...

It seems we are all having the same problems with blogger and no email notification of comments, everything is taking so much longer, hope they can fix it, and quickly!!
Lovely video you've posted!!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Well silver linings...lovely to be a winner of two Jetgirl patterns that I know you will definitely put to good use. Happy quilting of that one in your machine.

Marie said...

There are days when I too feel like the little gal in your video :D. Hope they sort out the glitch soon!

Karrin Hurd said...

I don’t like not being notified of comments either, and last night Bloglovin said their system was down and I could read the people I follow!

Jenny said...

Yes, there is plenty of frustration with blogger issues worldwide, but at least the comments are coming through. How frustrating that your design wall came down and broke your lamp, seems a little bit funny although you are not laughing. Best wishes from New Zealand, where I am having frustrating walking foot issues!

Barb said...

I am having the same problem with blogger - don't understand the need to change what is working....argh!!!
happy qulting

Shelina said...

What a perfect video to express your frustration with Blogger. I feel the same way!

Karen said...

I too am frustrated with the blog comment problem and wonder why it takes so long to fix. Then I think about the Yahoo groups problem that never got fixed and wonder.