Thursday, May 23, 2013

A new FREE mystery quilt

Friends can sometimes be a bad influence.
Kathy over at Kindred Quilts twisted my arm, well, um...okay, she just mentioned the event. But she convinced me to join in the mystery quilt sew along over at Aunt Reen's and I'm blaming Kathy (not me, the other Kathy!) 
Here are the four good reasons why I just can't resist the current mystery that Doreen is hosting:
1) Because I have no willpower due to having a terrible case of Startitis. I am powerless. LOL!
2) Because it's "May For Me" month and I need some sewing time just for a fun ME project. Now don't you be going over to Marcia's blog and entering her draws there, because I want to win!
3) Because I have all the supplies (a layer cake and scrappy background) and don't have to buy anything for this sew along, so basically it's a free quilt...right?!?
4) Because I love mystery quilts, and haven't done one in a while (never mind looking around my sewing room at all the quilts in progress!).
I am using a layer cake called Independence Trail by Minick and Simpson:

"Independence Trail is a reckoning of a family's trek across our country in it's centennial year.  Inspired by journals  from several young ladies of the time, it reflects on an imagined journey from the Midwest to a new home in Oregon.  Leaving their family farm and orchards on the Great Lakes and making for a new place of bounty near the Pacific, we fill this family's landscape with the fabrics of the time.    Domestic simplicity with the hope of an abundant future – these fabrics evoke the time and the inspiration of that journey."

Here are all my blocks (168 HST's!) cut and ready to press and trim, which brings me almost to the end of step #2


Anonymous said...

I've been looking at that mystery. I couldn't decide on a background. I might just wait until she does her next one. Can't wait to see yours.

Rosa said...

I`ll follow your progress!

Janet O. said...

It is always nice to have someone else to blame for our own foibles, isn't it? Well, anyway, it works for me!! : )

Anonymous said...

I love that line of fabrics. I would figure it's free. Once I've spent the money and it sits in the stash a while (a day or two), it becomes free fabric! Look forward to following your quilt.

Kindred Quilts said...

How naughty of me to be such a bad influence... but if the result of being bad is a new quilt for you, then I can live with it!!! There's nothing like a good mystery... I'll be watching your progress! :)

Doreen Johnson said...

I love your fabric choice for this mystery quilt! So happy to have you sewing along!
You have a wonderful sense of humor, it's such a fun treat to read your blog!

Lesley said...

I love to read your quilt story...can't wait to see more of the mystery unfold!

Raewyn said...

Always fun to start a new project - I love your description of Startitis!! I think it may be catching!! Love the fabric you have decided to use.