For some reason, it made sense to me to sew some flying geese blocks together, and then to try to build the block from the centre out.
But that didn't work because I ended up with this mess..
Okay, I settle myself down and tell myself in a stern voice:
"You have been quilting for over 20 years. Of course you can do set-in seams! Just try."
So, I tried for a couple of hours, but then I realized my block was turning into a bowl shape because of all the handling of the bias seams, and because of all the unsewing and trying again... and the seams were not even close to matching up.
Then I tried to decide between throwing the whole thing in the garbage and starting again with new fabric, or unstitching the triangles and starting over again with these pieces. Because many of these triangles were from a little candy charm pack, I really wanted to use them, so I unstitched every single seam I had sewn and started again with a different construction plan, which was... ahem... actually posted on the blog for anyone who chose to actually read the instructions!
And tada!
Here it is...representing literally hours of work...and an object lesson on the importance of reading instructions...I present block #19 called "Old Maid's Ramble". Appropriately named because you will be an old maid by the time you finish sewing the thing!! LOL
The next block will for sure be a piece of cake!
That's why I stopped doing my one and only bom, the blocks were getting too hard for (I was a newbie)and I hated using the templates that went with them!
Oh no! I'm glad you stuck with it. Make sure to read instructions for #28- I wanted to put it together differently and did too many HST's but after unsewing 3 of them and following the directions it went together easily. Great block and colors by the way.
You are funny! So glad you were able to reuse the bits of fabric in the 'new and improved' version. It did turn out really well even if you MAY have developed a few gray hairs over it.
Aren't you glad that you didn't give up! Your block is gorgeous...and the beauty of fabric is that it 'forgives' our little episodes of ripping out seams. Well done...well worth it!
I admire your persistence, it really paid off-especially considering the little precuts you started with! It's very admirable, the block, and YOU!
Try and try again...way to go girl. Question for do you get your butt to the sewing machine. I am finding it hard to get there. Once I am there I could stay all day. But there seems to always be something else to do.
Just wondering in Northern Ontario
Beautiful! Well worth all the unpicking.
You know I love all those greens, Kathy! Unsewing due to not reading directions is something I can confess to readily :) Glad you got it all straightened out and beautiful!
You made my day. I love your humor. I have had the "I have been quilting for 20 years and can figure this out conversation" just last week with myself. I think we try to go so fast and get so much done, that the brain and the hands do not work well together. Reading directions---gets my husband every time!!!! Me too.
It looks great, you get an A for effort and an A for the completed block.
Read the directions? Who knew?! Your block looks great.
I had a lot of trouble with this one as well. I sewed it the way the directions showed, but I kept getting the triangles turned the wrong way. I finally got it all together, the right way, or so I thought, only to look at it a couple of days after I finished it and realized some of the triangles were still facing the wrong way. However, it has stayed that way.
I have totally been in your shoes before! So glad you stuck with it and ended up with such a wonderful block. There are some things that just terrify me and I have to really grit my teeth and forge ahead regardless.:)
Read instructions? Who does that until there's a problem? Glad it worked out in the end. Your block looks amazing.
It looks wonderful.
AND you make me want to keep on sewing. I think to myself " if SHE rips seams and she's an expert, then you can just keep on ripping seams too. " ( I make alot of mistake, lol! )
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