Sunday, February 04, 2024

Sow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the hand stitching party where we celebrate all types of hand work and enjoy seeing what is being created by hands around the world. 

This month is International Embroidery Month, which was apparently started in 1992, so of course I will be starting some new projects to celebrate that!  If you are looking for a new project to celebrate, here is a fun one to check out - Crabapple Hill 2024 Stitch Along!

This week I will be working on one of my oldest embroidery projects - Life is Beautiful. I started this in February 2015 so it is 9 years old this month! I still love it and would like to keep working on it. My friend Sandy has also been making this quilt and she is using blue thread for her stitching. We are meeting this week to encourage each other to make some progress, and I will take some photos to share next week of the projects together.

Today I will be starting the February block on "Woven Wreaths" while I watch the Kathy Schmitz instructional video. Even though I have been embroidering for years, I find the tips she shares to be very helpful in making tiny embroidery stitches.

And also this week I am planning to start the first block of "P.S. Don't Forget" which is a Bareroots pattern. I have the messy random floss box to dig through (yes, I enjoy that!) and the background fabric chosen. 

Do you enjoy hand embroidery? Please link up your blog post below and share your embroidery and other hand stitching projects with us! I am dreadfully behind in blog reading and hope one day soon to catch up to see what you are working on. 


Kim said...

Here's to celebrating all things embroidery! The February design for your Woven Wreaths is a pretty design. Your Life is Beautiful is a sweet stitchery, as is the Bareroots pattern. Have fun untangling those messy threads.

Sarah said...

I love the life is beautiful pattern. Haven't seen it in a while! I have to admit I would love to sort out your thread box! :)

The Cozy Quilter said...

Nice to see Life is Beautiful getting some stitches! How close are you to the finish line on this one? I love the sayings on the embroidered blocks. Have a wonderful day, Kathy!

CathieJ said...

I should work on finishing my embroidered apron to celebrate National Embroidery month. I have another UFO embroidery that is older than yours. I do very little embroidery as I prefer counted cross-stitch. I hope you continue working on Life is Beautiful. Enjoy your stitching!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I do enjoy hand embroidery, and there are so many wonderful patterns to stitch out there. I remember your "Life is Beautiful" project - glad you're getting it back out to work on. The Crabapple Hill project is a sweet one, too. I printed out the page of hearts, but haven't started on it yet. Enjoy your stitching today, Kathy!

Kate said...

You've got some very fun projects in the works. Enjoy your slow stitching time today.

Karla (ThreadBndr) said...

My crewel eagle is older than your oldest embroidery! So hopefully I will get to it this month. But in the mean time, I'm at least getting floss into fabric on the SAL that I'm doing!

You have some lovely pieces in progress. Thank you for hosting us. The feedback and encouragement on here is inspiring!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I used to love embroidery and do pictures but I haven't done much of it in years now

Angela said...

You have some lovely projects to stitch! Enjoy!

grammajudyb said...

Thanks for the reminder about International Embroidery Month. I’m starting a new February themed small! And continuing some WIPs. You’ve got some good ones going!

Karrin Hurd said...

I love embroidery. Thanks for the link to that 2024 Sew along. I will also be working on my Woven Wreaths.

Deanna W said...

I love your box of embroidery thread. I took a pic of it when you visited is the screen saver on my computer. It always makes me smile seeing all those pretty colours.

Deb said...

I'm working my woven wreath February block today too. I watched the video yesterday and I'll watch it again while I stitch.