Sunday, January 21, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the Slow Sunday Stitching linky party! If you enjoy hand stitching of any kind, then you have found your tribe! You are welcome to join us here every Sunday and learn how we keep ourselves stitched together... one stitch at a time!

It is cold and dark where I live, and mostly I just want to snuggle up in bed with a heated blanket, drink tea and read. But I am doing some hand stitching here and there. I finished my January block for the Woven Wreaths Stitch-Along. This was tiny stitching and the tips that Kathy Schmitz gave on her video were very helpful. This block included the stem stitch, running stitch, some fly stitches, a few french knots, and mostly back stitching. I am looking forward to starting the February block once the video is posted.

Oddly, I have been stitching on "Merry and Minty" which is an older cross stitch pattern by Brenda Gervais. This was a new start for me for the 12 x 12 on New Year's Eve. I don't know why I want to stitch a Christmas themed project now (maybe because it's so cold?) but it has been fun. The gold looking thread is actually a green tree. I will put a few more stitches in today.

And also I picked up 2 guild donation quilts to finish the bindings, so I will work on that today too.

What are you hand stitching this month? We love to see your slow progress and hope you will link up your blog post below.


Gretchen Weaver said...

The blue snowman is very cute and very appropriate for this time of year! It will be nice to have a new Christmas project ready for display next Christmas. Happy stitching!

Kim said...

With all that freezing weather you are having curled up in a warm bed with a good book and a cup of tea sounds like an excellent idea. Your finished snowman is sweet. I know you will enjoy binding those quilts today. Keep warm!

The Cozy Quilter said...

What a cute snowman! Stitching and drinking tea —a perfect activity when it’s cold and dark outside!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

It won't be long before it's time to stitch the February section of our Kathy Schmitz project! I love your little reindeer, too. Enjoy whatever you stitch on today, Kathy!

Kate said...

Thankfully my sewing room is one of the warmest in the house when I have the iron plugged in! Stay warm, drink lots of tea and stitch on. The cold and dark will leave at some point, just probably not as soon as we'd like.

Chantal said...

Love your blue snowman. Stay warm and happy stitching. ;^)

Karla (ThreadBndr) said...

I'm with you for hibernating, wrapping up with a warm cuppa and stitching! Our cold front is still keeping us in the negative digits on both temperature scales! But it's supposed to get back to "just" freezing after today. I'm ready!!!

Love your blue snowman, cute and appropriate!

Vivian said...

Ooh, I like the blue snowman piece and that it looks like it's in a pieced quilt block. I also love Kathy Schmitz's designs so hope the tutorials aren't only for participants in the SAL. I think it's more than appropriate to be sewing Christmas stuff at the start of the year. At that point the "holiday vibe" hasn't left yet, LOL!

Scrapatches said...

It has been very cold were I am so I have been staying inside and sewing and stitching with the teapot close at hand. Your stitching is beautiful. Thank you for hosting and sharing ... :) Pat

Deanna W said...

Oh no missed another sunday posting! Well my good excuse is i was quilting!! Post to come

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

oh I love the snowman! So sweet! xx