Sunday, January 07, 2024

First Slow Sunday Stitching Party for 2024

Welcome to all my needleworker friends! Thanks for dropping by to visit this week and catching up with other like-minded stitchers!

A new year usually brings some new starts as people receive supplies and patterns as Christmas gifts, and because so many businesses offer holiday discounts as they clear out inventory. 

One of my new starts is Deborah's fault! On Deborah's Bits and Pieces link last week she shared about her new projects for 2024 and had links posted to the Woven Wreaths embroidery project from Kathy Schmitz, who is a favourite designer of many of our stitchers. The first lesson of her 2024 project is posted and I really enjoyed learning the embroidery tips she shared on this video. So, of course I ordered the fabric so I could stitch along this year.

But while I waited for my order to arrive, I had a few other things I could stitch! **snort**

I participated in the 12x12 on New Year's Eve, and that was fun - but crazy. I won't do that to myself again! It was painful for my hands and it took several days to recover. Here are the things I learned:

1) An hour of stitching goes by in the blink of an eye! It felt like I entered a warp speed vortex of some kind, and the entire day passed by super fast. 

2) When you get tired, you make mistakes. I made several, and when the unstitching required meant less than zero progress, it's time to put down the needle and get a cup of tea! See where the needle is pointing to my green thread mistake? I have already unstitched it and will work on restitching that area today.

3) I prefer a coloured pattern as black and white is much harder for me to read. In the future I will look for some easier coloured patterns for future stitches.

4) I really enjoy confetti stitching with lots of colours. I was surprised by this as many people complain about changing thread colours, but I like the variety. There are so many colours in this tiny wreath stitching (by Tiny Modernist)

5) Although I am totally intrigued by full coverage stitcheries, at this point in my life I prefer small projects that I can finish easily - more instant gratification. Perhaps this is because it balances out my quilting projects which take me years to finish?

6) I love stitching bird designs and force myself to stitch at least a portion of the rest of the design before I treat myself to the actual bird! I finished this little 2" design by Cecilia Turner

I made it into a little cross stitched pillow, and quickly remembered how challenging it is for me to sew the seam closed when stitching with Aida cloth.

Granddog Max liked the pillow, but he did think it was a little on the tiny side for his head!

If you have any hand stitched bird patterns to suggest for me to make, please enter the info in the comment section for me.

So what are you stitching in 2024? Did you have some new starts for the new year? We hope you will share your progress in the links below.


Kim said...

It's always time for a cup of tea, especially when one's stitching goes awry. Your little robin redbreast is very sweet. You'll just have to stitch Granddog Max a suitably sized pillow for his head....just because you haven't enough projects on the go. =)

CathieJ said...

I had been hoping to join you in the 12 X 12, but the day got away from me. I started searching for 12 projects and ended up organizing my craft patterns. Still satisfying and I saved my fingers. I sometimes like confetti stitching...on small projects, but not when I am working on a full coverage project. I love that little pillow. Enjoy working on all of your 2024 projects. I will enjoy watching your progress.

Kate said...

That is a lot of stitching for one day! Looking forward to seeing what you get to stitching in 2024.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I'm participating in the Kathy Schmitz Woven Wreaths sew-along, too! The little designs for each month are so sweet. I love your Little Robin Redbreast pillow! I'm looking for a cardinal to stitch this week - Melisa at PinkernPunkin uses lots of them in her designs.

The Cozy Quilter said...

Take care of those hands! It’s good to have a wide variety of projects to work on!

Karrin Hurd said...

I had been on the fence about Woven Wreaths, but then I saw that Diann @Little Penguin Quilts was working on it, so I ordered it too, still waiting for it to arrive.

LA Paylor said...

OMD Max is the cutest model!

Deb said...

I gladly take the blame for the Kathy Schmitz SAL, I just completed the snowman while it rained morning yesterday. The little pillow is so sweet.

Karla (ThreadBndr) said...

I didn't do 12 x 12 this year. I'm getting to the point where I am 'babying' my hands a bit. I can stitch for an hour or two a day if I take plenty of breaks. Plus 12 new starts would make me break out in hives LOL. I've spent years whittling down the UFO pile to the current six project timed rotation.

Your little wreath is looking good and I love the little pillow. I find that ladder stitch works well on Aida, especially if you make the 'rungs' of the ladder match up with the holes on the Aida cloth.

Lyndsey said...

I love the little robin pillow and Max is adorable.