Sunday, October 29, 2023

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly hand stitching party! It's such a fun party because you can stay in your pyjamas and join us from the comfort of your own home!

But on some special Sundays, I go to a real life, in-person hand stitching get-together which is co-ordinated by my friend Debby and hosted by her Mom Dorothy (who rents the party room at her apartment building). Many of the stitchers I haven't met before, so it is great fun to see what others are creating and make new friends. Here are some of the ladies from the last party. You can see a crocheted tea cozy being made for a Christmas gift, and some embroidery, cross stitch, and quilt binding was going on. 

We also have fun snacks to enjoy. Do you see the one eyed cookies?!? Some people are so just creative!

We joke that some of us do a lot of stitching, and some of us just come to make memories!

Here is a cross stitch being made by Katie. She is a really fast stitcher and made all these letters during our Sunday meeting.  She thought the project would be smaller and wasn't really liking it, so I volunteered to give is a place on the wall at my house to my house if she didn't like it when it was done!

Debby generously finished the binding on the community comfort quilt that I have been working on. She is a really fast stitcher and she finished stitching 3 sides of the quilt. It would have taken me all week! 

Because Debby was doing the binding, I was able to spend time on a cross stitch sampler, and finished "Owls and Acorns" (a free chart from Blue Ribbon Designs). I used all the called for "Gentle Arts" floss which was lovely to work with. It was stitched on a piece of old white 14 count aida cloth that I lightly tea dyed to make it a bit more fall looking. I love how this turned out! And now it joins the UFO pile! 

I also stitched a little pumpkin from Melisa's pattern called Mini Pumpkin Sampler. So cute! I will work on this project on Halloween night when the kids are coming for trick-or-treating.

Are you stitching anything for Halloween? Costumes? Decorations? 
Link up your blog or instagram post below and share your projects with us!


Jenny said...

I love those happy smiling faces sitting around the table, all working contentedly on their projects.

Kate said...

Sounds like a very fun group to stitch with. The owl sampler is really cute and so is the pumpkin. Enjoy your slow stitching today.

Sarah said...

The stitching party looked like lots of fun! It's always nice to see what people are working on.

The Cozy Quilter said...

That looks like a fun way to spend a Sunday afternoon! Your mini sampler cross stitch is really cute!

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Your stitcheries are wonderful. Have fun with the pumpkin sampler, hope you can finish it to to enjoy this year. I have no handwork to do since I finished the wool applique penny rug.

Linda said...

How lovely to get together and stitch with a group of like minded people. Your cross stitch is looking fabulous.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

It sounds so fun to have a group of friends to stitch with! Your Owl sampler is really lovely. I love the way the pumpkins have color variations in them. Enjoy your stitching today, Kathy!

Angela said...

the mini pumpkin sampler is so cute!

Karrin Hurd said...

Great you are able to get together! Love your owls and acorns. Happy stitching!

CathieJ said...

That looks like a fun Sunday get together. Acorns and Owls is really pretty. I just printed the pattern myself. Enjoy your pumpkin stitching!

Chantal said...

Looks like you found yourself a wonderful group to stitch with. Lovely projects all around. Enjoy! ;^)

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Oh how fun to enjoyed some slow stitching time with your friends. I bet y'all had loads of fun . I spotted those one eyed cookies right off. I bet they were delicious. Love your Acorns and Owl sampler. I have that on my to do list. Blue Ribbon has such cute designs. Aah I am so honored you are stitching my Mini Pumpkin Sampler. I hope you enjoy each and every stitch. Thank you , sweet friend. Enjoy your day. Hugs

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Kathy, love your Owls and Acorns sampler. It's so cute. Glad you had a great Sunday stitching with friends (and new friends!) Thanks for hosting this great online party!