Sunday, September 10, 2023

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the regular weekly practice of relaxing with some hand stitching! We encourage you to join us... all you have to do is take a deep breath, find your hand stitching project and put in some stitches. 

We just had the second of the three family weddings that are scheduled for this year, so it has been very busy around here. I got to meet the special baby that my sister and I made a baby quilt for in January. His name is Atlas and he was fascinated with taking selfies!

And in spite of all the activity going on, I have found time to relax here and there with hand stitching. Truly, it keeps me grounded and sane (most of the time!) You can see the seed stitch heart design emerging in my knitted cloth. I should be able to finish it this week.

Lots of progress has been made with my Strawberry Faire cross stitch. This is such a fun stitch! I am ready to start on the big strawberry which will emerge on the left. It is a challenging design so I'm looking forward to seeing how I do with that.

What are your hands working on this week? What hand stitching has been making your heart sing?

We love to hear about it, so link up your instagram or blog post below.


Kate said...

What a cutie! Enjoy your slow stitching this week, you've got some fun projects in the works.

Gretchen Weaver said...

I'm impressed with the seed stitching! I stick with a simple design so I don't have to think when I'm knitting. Have a blessed day!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

What a cute picture of you and little Atlas! And your stitching looks enjoyable, too. I love the robin and the strawberry with all its leaves. Enjoy your stitching today, Kathy!

The Cozy Quilter said...

Atlas is cute! Some babies are born to smile for the camera! Love your strawberry stitching. Enjoy your stitching today,

Karla (ThreadBndr) said...

Cute baby, and fun projects. Enjoy both!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Interesting. That is the second 'Atlas' I've heard of. Our great nephew (4yrs old) is also named Atlas.

CathieJ said...

Strawberry Faire is looking great! I like your washcloth. That baby is adorable.

Karrin Hurd said...

Atlas is adorable, great picture of you both. Lovely work on your sampler and knitting!

Melva said...

I love the heart emerging in your washcloth. :) <3 Thanks for the chance to share in the party.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Atlas is a handsome little fellow; great photo Kathy. You certainly made a lot of progress on Strawberry Faire. It is a beauty. Your dish cloth looks amazing. I have an affection for handmade dishcloths. They are almost too pretty to use. Have a wonderful week.