Sunday, February 26, 2023

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly hand stitching party! Take some time today to power down your brain and enjoy the benefits of relaxation with your favourite hand work. 

I can hardly wait to get my hand stitching bag out today. I haven't had enough stitching time this week, and we all know what that means... my sanity is hanging by a very thin thread!  Everyone knows that I must stitch to restore my sanity! 

As I have shared previously on my blog, I have been experiencing pain when hand stitching and usually just power through with Voltaren and pain meds. I first started complaining about this in 2019 and wrote more about it in January
I have used these assistive items to help me, but truthfully it has been getting worse. It's a real problem since as I already mentioned... stitching = sanity!

This week I was so thankful to be assessed by an Occupational Therapy hand specialist. She made me a specially designed orthosis to try to relieve the arthritis pain in my thumb. She also created a fancy doodad to help align my thumb joint. It's all feeling very awkward when I'm stitching now, but I'll definitely use all these if it allows more stitching to occur! And apparently I will get used to this, just like I am now accustomed to using a thimble.

I have been adding embroidery stitches to my Winter Mystery Stitchalong from Days Filled with Joy. This is the clue from week #4.

I am highly motivated to stitch clue #5 to finish this project since there is now another free SAL posted on Days Filled with Joy called Tea Cup Critters. This will be an adorable embroidered BOM quilt design. But I will NOT allow myself to start this until I finish the Winter stitching. I must have some self control!

Slow progress has also been made on my Alphabet Sampler by JBW Designs. Some stitchers have emailed asking me where I found this project. I originally saw the project on the JBW Designs Flosstube and I ordered my chart and fabric at Stoney Creek. (I have no affiliation, just a very happy customer!)

What are you hand stitching this week? Linking up your blog post, or photo, or instagram post below and share what you are working on.


Cathy said...

I sure hope that special thingy works for you. Stitching should not be painful, darn it!

Linda said...

Thanks for sharing the stitch along links, having taken a break for a few weeks I missed the start of the winter one. Hope you get used to wearing the support and it help improve your hands so you can stitch more.

Sarah said...

Sorry to hear your hand pain is getting worse. Hopefully the help you've been given from the OT helps. Both your projects are looking good

Angela said...

I do hope the new device helps! I wish you many hours of slow stitching!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That sounds like a good thing to do for yourself, Kathy! I'm so glad the therapist gave you some immediate help. The Winter stitching looks like a pretty one! Have a wonderful Sunday!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

let us know how the thumb brace does for you - I have never found one that is comfortable, I normally end up with more pain wearing one then I do without

Michelle said...

I hope this helps! I am having what I think is tendinitis in a shoulder, and it’s interfering with my handwork.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

A new word, orthosis, for me. Good grief having an arthritic thumb is dreadful. I do hope this new device will work out for you Kathy. Because, yes, we all know we need that hand stitching as soothing for the soul.

Karrin Hurd said...

Great stitching projects. Hope the orthotics help your pain!

Ivani said...

I am so sorry to know you are still in pain. Hope the theraphist helps put your thumb in less damage and it work out for you. The two projects are comming along very well. Have a nice week, Kathy.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Sorry about the hand pain. I hope the new products help. I have arthritis in both thumbs.

AnnieO said...

Glad you are able to stitch still! Women and thumb joint problems are so, so common. I have some pain in my left thumb joint doubt arthritis! I've been typing/keyboarding for a living for decades but never got carpal tunnel--I owe that to getting my Dad's bigger bones, not my Mom's slender wrists!

Miaismine said...

Oh Kathy, I hear you about your hands. During the beginning of the pandemic, our dishwasher broke. I was uncertain about calling a repair man in, so, several times a day I hand washed my dishes for months. I was happy, yet shocked at how much this warm water therapy helped my hands. I’m hoping this may help you at least a wee bit. I’ve also used a hand device such as the one designed for you! I pray it helps you to be able to slow stitch, as this activity is so vital to our emotional health. 😊
Your Winter Mystery Stitchalong is gorgeous! I’m so very tempted to join….can I resist? Gently hugs to you and your hands!

Lyndsey said...

Your aid should help with the pain you get in your hands, especially the thumb. I hope you get used to using your device quickly and you can get back to enjoying your stitching. Take care

Kim said...

Ahh.....stitching can cause a few difficulties and pain along the way, as we age. It doesn't stop us though, does it? Your new orthosis sounds as if it just might help with your arthritis. Hopefully, you get used to it quickly. I could never quite get used to a thimble.

CathieJ said...

My thumb brace doesn't allow me to stitch, but I sleep with a large brace and it usually helps me. I hope your brace will give you relief and you can continue your stitching.

Jeanna said...

Your stitching is beautiful. I hope the orthosis gives you relief.