Sunday, February 12, 2023

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly hand stitching party! We hope you will get out one of your own projects and put a few stitches in today.

Apparently February is National Embroidery Month, so it's only fitting that I started Joy's mystery Winter Stitchalong project. This combines 2 of my favourite things - a mystery adventure, and embroidery!  I just had to take a photo of the Winter embroidery project in the snow! We have had some snow this year, but not nearly as much in previous years.

Here is where I am at week 3, and the week 4 pattern has just been posted on her blog, so I will work on that today. I am using whatever floss colours I can find in my floss tin. I only used 2 strands of DMC floss for the word WINTER and it's too thin for my liking. So then I used 3 strands for the other stitching and like it much better. 

I seem to have experienced  a flare-up of my chronic condition of Startitis, and took a photo of the hand stitching projects on my desk. 

Uh oh!

And some projects are noticeably absent (I'm looking for you DUDE)!

Well, Startitis can't be helped and there is no known cure. I'm confident it will settle down soon and the symptoms will subside. I'm blaming Flosstube where everybody brags about their UFOs and WIPs! 

What are you stitching today? Do you have a case of Winter Startitis (or Summer Startitis if you live in the Southern hemisphere)? Link up your projects below with a photo, instagram link or blog link.


Karla (ThreadBndr) said...

OH, the dreaded start-itis! So many tempting projects and it's so easy to 'oh, Squirrel' myself into an overlarge UFO pile. Your projects are all lovely. And some of them look very close to a finish!

Kim said...

You have some lovely pretties on the go. Mmm..."Startitis" interesting ailment which I think a lot of us suffer from. Your new Winter embroidery is sweet.

Ivani said...

You sure have lovely stitching projects on the go.
Enjoy your Sunday!

CathieJ said...

When I look at the multitude of projects that I have in progress, I definitely suffer from startitis. Your Winter embroidery looks great! We have had only one dusting of snow which makes me sad. I like at least one good snowstorm to make it feel like I've experienced Winter.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I think I always have a case of Startitis, too! In fact, I've run out of traced embroidery designs - better get one ready this afternoon. Enjoy your stitching today, Kathy!

The Cozy Quilter said...

I believe that your case of startitis is severe and chronic! There is no cure. Just keep sewing!

Sarah said...

Lots of us suffer from the same complaint! I like your new project though. The word winter looks fine to me but you could always weave in and out of the running stitch with a different colour thread?

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

your stitching is all looking so good

Kate said...

You've got such fun projects started. The nice thing about having a lot of starts is that you can usually find something that fits your stitching mood. Happy slow stitching today. said...

Yes, absolutely!! I can't seem to stop myself! It has gotten a little worse lately since I am learning how to quilt. So many beautiful projects and designs out there...

Cathy said...

So far I have avoided watching floss tubes. They are much too tempting and I already have lots of things to work on. We have snow.... lots of it here in Muskoka.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Kathy, I wish I could wish you a speedy recovery from Startis, but you are churning out so many fabulous fun projects and I love seeing everyone of them. Heee ! Hee! Of course you have been known to enable me into starting a few things as well. So I guess it is contagious. Happy Sunday.

Deanna W said...

More like finishitis....but I guess you have to start in order to finish. Got a top done this week with scraps and finished the binding on a memory quilt that will be given away this summer. So now today...another scrappy project...startitis strikes again!!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

So far I have been good with out starting new. After looking at so many thengs that need finishing I hang my head in shame. Finish is the objective for the year and I must stick to it!

Jeanna said...

I definitely suffer from Startitis and it can sometimes be overwhelming for me. I blame Flosstube for a lot of things LOL.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Oh Dear, Startitis is contagious too and has definitely reached my neck of the Ottawa Valley woods. Winter is the perfect season for hand stitching and I love all of yours!