Sunday, February 05, 2023

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly hand stitching linkup! Here's your weekly reminder that slow stitching is like medicine - just a spoonful eases the aches and pains of life, and makes it feel more bearable. It helps you to feel more relaxed, and enjoy the healing powers of creativity. I don't have any specific research data to support those statements, but I do have a lot of lived experience!

Recently I have been inspired to cross stitch a couple of little heart projects for dear friends who tragically lost a family member 2 weeks ago. Their hearts are breaking, and I want them to know that so many people are thinking of them and holding them close to our hearts. I'm planning to insert this stitchery into a card to mail and am hoping to finish another heart today. The free pattern is available when you subscribe to Little Lion Stitchery.

You know how sometimes something just takes a hold of you for no apparent reason?! Well,
 I have become obsessed with this little book (Really Cross Stitch by Rayna Fahey) that was gifted to me. I have bookmarked several patterns I want to stitch for my office, my home, and my friends. 

It was difficult to pick which design to start with, but here's my choice. It looks like nothing - just like the beginning of every creative endeavour does. It will become something eventually. Stay tuned.

I also plan to stitch the Winter Mystery  embroidery pattern from Days filled with Joy so hope to trace the design to begin today.

What's getting stitched in your hands today? Link up your blog post, photo, or instagram and share your slow progress with us.


Ivani said...

The little hearts you are cross-stitching is full of meaning and will confort the whole family members. Very nice of you stitching them.
Looking forward to seeing more of your new project.
Enjoy your Sunday and Happy stitching!

Kim said...

I agree with your thoughts of the healing powers of creativity.....of slow hand stitching. It does help us get through those difficult times. That is a pretty cross stitch heart for your friends.

linda said...

The heart cross stitch is beautiful I'm sure that your friends will appreciate your thoughtfulness, I'm going to check out that little book.

Sarah said...

I agree stitching does have healing powers. Your friends will appreciate your hand stitched cards for sure. Your new book made me smile. Really CROSS stitch made me think that's how you feel about your sons Christmas/birthday project! LOL

CathieJ said...

I totally agree that slow stitching is medicine. It eases the soul and makes you forget your aches and pains.....of course sometimes it causes them too. I like the idea of stitching those hearts for grieving friends. I am looking forward to seeing what the other piece your stitching turns out to be.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That's a beautiful heart, and a lovely reason for stitching it! I love the title of the book - it will be fun to see what youmaking from it. Enjoy your stitching today, Kathy!

Kate said...

Counted cross stitch is such a fun and relaxing way to spend a Sunday. Enjoy your slow stitching time this week.

Michelle said...

Your cross stitch is beautiful. I’m so sorry for your friends.

The Cozy Quilter said...

Your friends will feel your love and support with the hearts you are making for them. What a precious gift

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Happy Sunday, Kathy ! Such a darling cross stitch and how kind of you to stitch these for your dear friends during their difficult time. I hope you have a wonderful day stitching.

Karrin Hurd said...

Great stitching projects. I also agree that slow stitching is medicine, it soothes my soul. Thanks for this weekly link-up and motivation!

loulee said...

A lovely thought, stitching hearts for your friends. Cross stitch seems to be having a bit of a revival.

Jeanna said...

The little heart is just adorable. It will bring comfort to your friends, I'm sure. I spent my Slow Sunday Stitching with a cross stitch project as well. Thank you for hosting.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Kathy, I'm looking forward to seeing your newest cross stitch. Those hearts are a great idea. I'm sure that they will be appreciated. Thanks so much for the party - I finally made it in time!

Jayne Honnold said...

I always love to check in each week to see what everyone is working on. Have you noticed how much more cross stitch is catching on - again? What comes around, goes around, for sure! Have a great week! Jayne