Sunday, January 01, 2023

Slow Sunday Stitching

Hi everyone! Welcome to the first hand stitching party of 2023! This is a stay-at-home party, and you provide all your own beverages, snacks, and stitching projects! But we have inspiration galore to share with you!

I had a wonderful Christmas holiday and visited family in the USA that I haven't seen since before covid hit in 2020. It was a wonderful treat for me! I didn't get a lot of stitching accomplished, but I did get my happiness cup filled to overflowing!

And I did get a few stitches into my 1991 cross stitch over the holidays. I have seen in flosstube videos how stitchers leave threads unfinished, and I have been experimenting with that. See how the pink threads are left undone? I'll go back and finish them, and it did help me to get those threads started in order to get the green letters going. I am having fun with this old project again.

I also had fun making another youtube unboxing video that you can see here. This is the 2022 Jolly Box full of quilty related surprises.

Today I'll be visiting quilting friends to sew the Scrapdash mystery quilt called Cook your Goose. I do love to start the new year by making a new quilt and look forward to sharing the results of the sewing day in tomorrow's post.

What are you stitching to bring in the New Year? Link up your photo, instagram or blog post below and share your project with us.


Created by Kathi said...

How exciting to see you on Youtube now! I'm gonna go watch next... but when you upload a video or such it gives you an option to open in a new window... that is what you want... your vid link took me through your blog instead... so it was a pain to get back to your blog... but I did :D I could be wrong on vids but if for sure is ike that when linking a static page!
Hope 2023 is all you desire and happy you are starting a new project today.. how fun!
I am teaching my mom to piece quilts!!! She is an avid sewist and taught me to sew on a 60's singer she had since I was born!
Now it is my turn as she enters older years and new desires!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Happy New Year, Kathy! Have fun with your mystery quilt sewing. That sounds like a lovely way to spend the day!

Kate said...

Enjoy your new quilt along today. Wishing lots of slow stitching in 2023.

Angela said...

Happy New Year!

Deb A said...

Sew glad you were able to visit with family over the holidays. Thank you for all the encouragement and for hosting the Slow Stitching Sunday each week. I have learned so much over the years through your blog and the link ups. Wishing you a happy and creative 2023.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

Happy New Year Kathy

Linda said...

Enjoy the start of a new quilt along, your Jolly Box looked like a fun gift to get.

The Cozy Quilter said...

Have a wonderful day sewing today. Sounds like a great way to start the new year. Here’s to a fantastic year of slow stitching!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Your blog is such a cheerful way to start the New Year, Kathy. Let me begin by thanking you for all of the hard work that you put into hosting the link party and thank you for continuing the party into the new year. I am so glad that you was able to spend time with your family over the holidays. It does the soul good to be with family that is for sure. Wishing you a fabulous new year and happy quilting.