Sunday, January 08, 2023

Slow Sunday Stitching

It's Sunday! And you know what that means - it's time for rest, relaxation, recuperation, and renewal. Relaxation doesn't happen by reading about it, thinking about it, or hoping for it. It only happens by doing it! And what better way to relax than to do some hand stitching. You will be amazed at how much time passes while you're "in the zone" of relaxing stitching, and how much better you will feel. 

I have been cross stitching on my 1991 project, and made a bit of progress this week. Thank you for all your encouragement to keep going. I am finding the lettering to be much easier than the grass area was, and it's actually very relaxing so I  am happy to keep at it. 

I have finally sewn a little border on my embroidered snow family (pattern is here) and hope to start hand quilting this project today. I think I'll just quilt around the shapes, and then stitch some snowflakes in the background. 

What will your hands be stitching today? I'm very behind in reading blog posts, so hope to have time today to drop by and visit all the links.


Kim said...

Your 1991 project is so pretty as is the sweet snowmen. Love the blue border around it. I can't seem to link up my post clicking on the Inlinkz prompt. I don't know if the problem is my end or yours.

Kim said...

Your 1991 project is so pretty, as are your sweet little snowmen. Love the blue border.

Ivani said...

Your snow family turned out lovely, Kathy. This is a pattern I wish to embroidery this year. So glad to know the 1991 cross stitch is progressing
Happy Sunday relaxation.

Sarah said...

I'm glad you're working on your cross stitch. The tiny bit I can see looks lovely! Mr snowman is cute too.

CathieJ said...

Your cross-stitch is looking great. I like the font for the words. I really like that snowperson family. I am looking forward to seeing your quilting.

The Cozy Quilter said...

Happy New Year, Kathy! Thanks for keeping us all motivated to relax and enjoy our slow stitching each week. I plan on doing a little knitting later today.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your snow family is adorable! I love the colors you stitched them in, and that blue border is perfect for them, too. Have fun finishing this one up! said...

You are so wise! I find that I have to set aside time to relax or else I'm just on the go all the time. There is always so much to do. It feels great to know there is a specific time each day where I'm only going to stitch.

I love your snowman family!

Angela said...

Your snow family is so cute! Have fun quilting it!

Birthe Marie said...

Your snow familiy is very cute! Happy stitching on your beautiful cross stitching project. So smart to continue.

Karrin Hurd said...

Great projects you are working on. Love your snow family!

Juliann said...

I haven’t participated in Slow Stitch Sunday in quite awhile. Happy to be back with needle and thread in hand.

FlashinScissors said...

It’s nice to see you working on your 1991 project! You made me look out my “oldest” project - mine is from 2004. One day I will finish it! 😂🤣
Love the snowman family, I’ve been stitching Melisa’s Winter snowman - just needs FFO’ing.
I wanted to join in today but your link won’t let me. I hope you’ll come to see my post even though I can’t link to you?
Barbara xx

Cross Mountain Quilts said...

You may have inspired me to pick up a 15+ year old cross stitch NEXT year. I can't throw anything crafty away! Thank you for the linkup party! God bless.

Jeanna said...

Your snowmen family is just darling! Happy to see you are cross stitching as well.

Miaismine said...

Yes, Slow Down and Stitch Sundays….love that so much! Your 1991 project is very pretty. Melissa’s snowmen projects are so lovely in their simplicity! I’ve been saving them and hoping to begin them soon. Happy stitching!

Deanna W said...

I fell behind this weekend. It was my birthday and i had friends over to sew for two days. Now to catch up this week

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Your cross stitch is looking great, Kathy. Love that butterfly. Family Portrait looks amazing. Thank you so much for stitching it. You brought a smile to my day!!!!