Sunday, May 22, 2022

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly celebration of hand stitching! It's the one time a week when we make sure to set aside some special moments for playing with needles and thread/yarn. We hope you will join us!

I have been doing a lot of waiting recently, and I always have my hand stitching bag close by. I got a kick out of stitching in the Tim Horton's line, while I waited 15 minutes for a coffee. It was ridiculously slow, but I enjoyed the serenity of a stitching break, and I almost finished the word "cannot". I accept that I cannot change the slowness of Tim Hortons! LOL Over the pandemic we lost 2 coffee shops in town, and now that people are out and about more, there are longer line ups.

A bit more progress has been made since the Tim Horton's visit, and more stitching will be done today. I look forward to seeing the progress you have made on your projects this week.

I thank you for participating in the Slow Sunday Stitching community!  I just love reading the blog posts on our weekly link up!  Last week I read so many interesting stories - about collection of walnut shells (for filling our pincushions), how to alter skating costumes, and how to hand quilt on a 3 roller frame. Although I don't often get to visit all the links, I do visit as many at time allows.
Below is the link to enter your blog post and share your hand stitching projects with us.


Gretchen Weaver said...

The pandemic has made a lot of changes in businesses. It's great you make use of your hand embroidery all the time. Thanks for providing this link up every Sunday, happy stitching!

Created by Kathi said...

I love your serenity prayer stitchery Kathy... what stitch are you using for your words I wonder???


CathieJ said...

I don't think I would ever pick up my stitching in a fast food line, but 15 minutes for coffee is not fast. Your stitching is looking great. Thank you for hosting this link-up.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That is the perfect saying for a time when you have to wait! Enjoy your stitching time today, Kathy!

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

The quilt show is done, so now I can get back to doing some of my own projects! No slow stitching in progress yet, but will see what is to-be-done.

Ivani said...

Glad you are a smart girl, Kathy and have something for stitching during the waiting time for the coffee.
Happy stitching

Jill said...

Excellent idea to have a project on hand for such times when one has to wait in a lengthy car line. Similar situations are occurring here. Lol on the word being cannot. Love TH’s Iced Capps.

Karrin Hurd said...

Great idea to have a project in the car while waiting. I usually play Words with Friends while waiting, but the waits aren't generally too long. I too love seeing what everyone is doing each week, I missed it the two weeks I was gone.

Angela said...

I like the idea of embroidering the Serenity prayer. It would be good to meditate on it as one stitches it.

AnnieO said...

Slow Stitching is a great choice while waiting! 15 mins is a long time to wait for a drink. Hope you have a great stitching week!

Miaismine said...

Oh yes, I seeing more lines at our local coffee shop as well. Good idea to have stitching on hand! Thank you for hosting such a beautifully inspiring and healing link up!

Denise :) said...

The Serenity Prayer was the perfect thing to be stitching while you waited, huh? I brought stitching into the doctor's office this morning, thinking I'd for sure have a lot of time, but I didn't even have a chance to pull it out! :)

Deanna W said...

So much for me posting every week. Outdoor work has kept me busy. I didn't go anywhere this long weekend so today Belle and I went fishing with some family members. Did a little remembering, Ted loved to fish.