Sunday, September 13, 2020

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the regular weekly practice of relaxing with some hand stitching! We encourage you to join us... all you have to do is take a deep breath, find your hand stitching project and put in some stitches.

I have been taking lots of deep breaths this week, including when I drove over this nail sticking out of a piece of wood. Now what are the chances of that? And what are the chances of it happening while driving my daughter to her first day of college (yes, the labs are still being held on campus and the classes are on line). We were able to get my daughter to school on time (car to the mechanic, walk to parents and borrow their car, I go to work, she drives herself to college, etc. etc) but wow it was's just been that kind of week.

And to top off the week perfectly, the Raptors lost their 7 game series on Friday night and it was an exciting game so I needed a little relaxation to stay calm. I distracted myself by starting one more dishcloth. This is a terrible photo but shows how the knitting helped me through the series.

Dishcloth #2
I'm finding it so much easier than I had thought it would be to knit these specialty dishcloths where every row is a different series of stitches. Can you tell what this one is? It's the second one I finished and it turned out even better than the first attempt. For this one I used straight needles and Sudz yarn.

So now it's time for some relaxation and slow stitching and recovering from the stress of the week. Here is a special treat for those of you who enjoy hand beading - click here to read an article about the making of a beaded map of Canada and the US made by indigenous artists. 

What are you hand stitching today? Link up your blog post below and share your project with us.


linda said...

I love your dishcloth and yes of course I can see what it is so cute! :) x

CathieJ said...

That octopus washcloth is adorable. Okay, I may have to make one now. So sorry about that nail. I seem prone to picking them up in my tires so I understand your frustration. I hope this week is more relaxing.

Jenny said...

Thats a nasty nail sticking up in the wood, so sorry to read about your mishap when you ran over it, would be a bit of a shock, I imagine.
Cute little octopus dish cloth, aren't you doing well!
Many thanks for running this Slow Sunday linky for us all to post about our handwork, I appreciate your time in doing this week after week.

Deb A said...

That dishcloth is too cute to use! Love it and you did a great job on it. Sorry about the nail issues. Lets hope this week goes swimmingly for you!

The Cozy Quilter said...

I have had a nail in my tire too...sounds like a stressful day, for sure. Glad it all worked out ok and everyone got where they needed to be. Your baby washcloth is adorable. I am working on the starfish next. They are a bit addictive, aren’t they?!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

what a day that must have been - I hate getting a flat. Cute washcloth!

Kathy S. said...

The octopus dish cloth is super cute! Almost makes me want to wash dishes... almost...

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Those kinds of car problems are always stressful and never convenient! Glad you figured out the cute octopus design - and in such a pretty color, too. Enjoy your slow Sunday, Kathy!

Ivani said...

Hi Kathy, you did a great job with the dishcloth, I myself have to try to make some of them. Thanks to God nothing more serious happened, that nail could cause a terrible accident. Hope you have better days during this new week and happy slow stitching this Sunday.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

That octopus is really cute. I have watched a beginning knitting class online, trying to get a bit better with it and learn how to do more than just knit and purl. I am indeed working on a wool applique, but it is for Autumn Jubilee so I can't share it yet.

Denise :) said...

Oh no, that's a not so nice way to start the week! I'm glad you were able to fix it and everything worked out okay. You deserve some slow stitching time today!! Enjoy it!!

MissPat said...

Wow, cruising around quilter blogland, it seems everyone is under a lot of stress, what with wildfires burning down the west coast, hurricanes threatening the Gulf coast, online learning frustrating everyone and daily annoyances like running over nails. I guess I'll just be content with the deer demolishing everything in the yard except the weeds, which are taking over the gardens. It's raining here, so the weeds will have to wait while I continue quilting the long overdue baby quilt. I hope your upcoming week is better. Cute octopus.

Sarah said...

Oh dear it does sound like a stressful week! Very cute washcloth

Deb said...

The wash cloth is so sweet and yes I can tell what it is. The Beaded Map projects is stunning thanks for the link. Happy Stitching.

Karrin Hurd said...

Love those washcloths, and that beaded map is awesome!

Miaismine said...

My heart goes out to you after the week you've had! Wow! You are a natural knitter! Beautiful! Your link up is one of the highlights of my week! Thank you!

Carla A Few Of My Favorite Things said...

Sometimes doesn't it feel like nothing is going right. Looking back I am alwaysthankful that things could have been worse. Love the 🐙 how cute

Jennie in GA said...

I admire you forging ahead with your knitting. I can knit, but can’t fix my mistakes. And my girlfriend who could always rescue me moved far away.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

What a cute octopus dish cloth. Sorry for the nail in the tire. Years ago I was on the highway when the truck in front of me lost a box of roofing nails. They took 18 nails out of my 6 month old tires (all 4 tires got nails). We took the next exit, and there was a Walmart (tiny town) and they were just opening their service bay doors.