Sunday, September 06, 2020

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly hand stitching party! 
It's "Labour Day" weekend here in Ontario, Canada which is the unofficial end of summer and the beginning of the fall school semester.

In years gone by people would use this day to campaign for better working conditions. But for most people (not me) Monday is just a day off work to relax and enjoy a rest from their labour. 

tea towel #4
This week I attended an online seminar and was able to put some stitches into an embroidered tea towel while I listened. This is definitely one benefit to working remotely/from home and it made the difficult information much easier to tolerate as I was calm in my body while listening and stitching. I suppose having some chocolate nearby would have made the experience even better!

I'll be putting more stitches in my embroidery this morning. What are you hand stitching these days? Link up your blog below and share your project with us.


Gretchen Weaver said...

That was nice you could embroider during the conference. I've been knitting dishcloths while we watch the church service online. Happy stitching!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

It's definitely calming to be able to stitch on something! I'm retired from teaching, and still need the slow stitching influence, maybe right now more than ever! I'm glad you can even do it while you attend a work seminar. Have a lovely Sunday, Kathy!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

nice to embroidery while on a conference

Denise :) said...

It has been nice to be able to stitch during all the Zoom conference calls these past few months! I knew y'all had Labo(u)r Day; I didn't realize it coincided so closely with the US's Labor Day holiday! Cool! Enjoy your slow stitching, Kathy! :)

Kim said...

Enjoying your lovely slow stitching would have helped while working through the difficult subject of your on-line seminar.

Deb said...

Lovely stitching you are doing really well on those embroidered towels, have a safe and happy Labour Day weekend.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

I haven't gotten to my kitchen stitchery yet, maybe when it cools off a bit. I've had some writing to do so that has taken up my Sunday time while watching some sports.

Carla A Few Of My Favorite Things said...

Listening while stitching is the perfect combination!

Sherrie said...

Hi Kathy,
Love the stitching pattern your working on,
can't wait to see it done. Have a great day!

CathieJ said...

The chocolate may have ruined your beautiful stitching. I will be listening meetings Tuesday and Wednesday also, and plan to be stitching through most of them. I think I may have a lot of stitching time this school year as I am working remotely as an always available Math Tutor so I have to just sit and wait for students to come to my Google meeting. We shall see how that works.
So sorry you don't have Monday off. It is Labor Day here too tomorrow and school starts Tuesday. Enjoy your stitching.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Kathy, such a difficult topic for sure but I'm happy you had something soothing like embroidery to help you through. I keep meaning to say how much I appreciate you hosting this link up. I always try to visit a few folks to see what they're up to.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Working from home has some advantages and disadvantages. I wish the world did not have to go through this mess.

Did you know chocolate has iron in it? See this justifies eating chocolate! LOL

Your stitching is so pretty! Have a great week! Hugs

The Cozy Quilter said...

I think I have figured out how to comment on everyone's blogs again tonight...I hope this works.

I would need something to sew or knit during that seminar too. Sending a hug to you.


Miaismine said...

Such a difficult topic to work with....sigh....I'm glad there are wonderful people looking out for these kiddos.
I'm hooked on tea towels for sure!