Friday, April 11, 2014

Fantastic Friday Finish!

After 7 years of stitching, my "Journey of a Quilter" is finally finished! It was a long journey and I loved every stitch!
The pattern is by Leanne Beasley with some slight liberties taken along the way in changing some of the stitching.
The finished size of the quilt is 50" square. The piecing of all those little scraps was done by machine, and the embroidery and quilting was done by hand. 
I am delighted that this quilt is finished, but also admit to feeling somewhat sad. As my son used to say "it's a happy sad". This quilt has travelled a lot of miles with me over the last 7 years - to the lake, to the farm, to parks to camp, and to the hospital. I will miss hauling it around with me everywhere I go just in case I have some time for hand stitching. It was kind of like my security blanket at times. I guess I'll need to get another quilt prepped so I'll have something else to drag around with me! 
I am linking up my finish at "Finish it up Friday" at Crazy Mom Quilts.


Jo said...

Your quilt looks fantastic. Well done to your finish. I'm sure it won't take long to find something else to continue on with..

Terry said...

It's beautiful! Congratulations! :0)

Ellen said...

Well done really is a fantastic finish!

tilly said...

your quilt is beautiful, it has all been worthwhile though

Maryjo said...

Congratulations! It is beautiful!!!! Now you have inspired me to make mine...the patterns have been very patiently waiting to be opened and used. Have a super day!

Deb A said...

Congrats! A very beautiful quilt. Love the security blanket thinking. Hope you find another one to prep soon. Can't have you going anywhere without your security blanket!

Judy@Quilt Paradigm said...

What a beautiful finish! Oh the stories you can tell about this quilt!! Congrats on coming to the end of a wonderful journey :)

Deanna W said...

It was indeed a journey. If you have to be sad...a happy sad is good! Relish the journey and enjoy remembering all the places this quilt went with you. And yes now get another project ready to go places!!!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

it turned out great!

Sally Ann said...

Hi Kathy
wonderful Job. I really have to make mine now!! I hope to hand quilt mine as well! Just beautiful!

sandi s said...

Lovely quilt and quilting.

Ruth said...

It's stunning! Now you need to start another one.

Karen said...

This quilt is soooo beautiful. It will always be full of memories for you. Enjoy the quilt.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Congratulations on such a beautiful finish.

Created by Kathi said...

So loving your finish Kathy! And here is to a new hand project that could last a few years! You must be overjoyed with this finish... hope you post it in it's new home Sunday or soon! Kathi

Turid said...

Congratulations! It's really beautiful.

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

What a beautiful and wonderful finish ! :) :) :) Congratulations!

Janet O. said...

How appropriate that this "Journey" quilt has been with you on so many journeys. It does represent many memorable times in your life.
Congrats on completing it--and doing it beautifully!

audrey said...

Congrats! It's absolutely lovely.:)

Dona said...

Congrats on finishing it. It is beautiful

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Congratulations that is awesome..

Rebecca said...

Congratulations!! It is beautiful.

Beth J said...

I love it. It is an inspiration to me.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

First congratulations on the finish. Your quilt is stunning!

Tanya Quilts in CO said...

Congratulations! You inspired me to start my own. Thank you for sharing.

margaret said...

it might have taken 7 years but well worth it, love the idea of embroidery on a quilt a real beuty

Kathy@KayakQuilting said...

Congratulations! This quilt really expresses all the love and work that went into it!

Kristin said...

Congratulations on your finish! That is a big accomplishment. :)

Linda said...

I love this quilt. I understand about the sad happy finish. I'm working on hexes and feeling the same about this project.

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

Congratulations on the finish! You deserve to be proud of your accomplishment ... your quilt is beautiful!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Great finish. Lots of memories in that quilt.

Rebecca in AK said...

An absolutely lovely quilt!! Beautiful stitching and quilting. I hope when you look at it, it will bring back wonderful memories!

Karen said...

A very good finish that you can be very proud of. Spring looking in color but good for any season.

Kate said...

Congrats on your lovely finish!

Gretchen Wylegala said...

Beautiful. What a treasure!

Sew Create It - Jane said...

Must be the week for big finishes...I completed a quilt I started 15 years ago!

Congrats on a great finish it is gorgeous!!

Shauna said...

How beautiful your finish is!! I love the stitching, colour and over look of your quilt. A treasure for sure! It's amazing how they become an extension of us.

Val's Quilting Studio said...

I love when you shared: This project will be missed as it has traveled many miles with me. THAT is exactly why I love hand stitching. THIS quilt is to wonderful....I've been so tempted to make one after seeing Tonya's and now yours!!!

Val's Quilting Studio said...

I love when you shared: This project will be missed as it has traveled many miles with me. THAT is exactly why I love hand stitching. THIS quilt is to wonderful....I've been so tempted to make one after seeing Tonya's and now yours!!!

Shelina said...

Kathy, I was hopping around your blog and see that you made Journey of a Quilter quilt. Would you possibly still have the pattern, and be willing to sell it to me?