Angela started the
Rainbow Scrap Challenge...a creative way to encourage quilters to use up their accumulation of scraps. Check out her blog for a ton of block ideas -
click here. On the right hand side of Angela's blog there is a list of more than 50 quilt blogs to visit...grab a cup of tea and treat yourself to some inspiration!

For the month of January I have chosen to work on a
very old blue scrap UFO. I am reconstructing some of the blocks I had incorrectly made while in some kind of quilter's fog. Here is one example of the blocks I didn't like...2 of the 4 blocks are too scrappy for my liking.
My real life UFO support group encouraged me to finish this quilt and just mix in these scrappy blocks with the ones I like, and I tried to, but this project has been in the closet for many years, so apparently I wasn't happy with that solution!
I finally got out the seam ripper and took apart the offending blocks (there were many more than just this one example!).
To make the task a little less onerous, and in keeping with January's
blue theme, I put on my Matt Anderson CD's. He is a great Canadian
blues musician who writes his own music, plays amazing guitar, and has a unique voice. To listen to some of his songs at his website - click
here, then click on "music" at the top, and make sure you listen to the song "To Leave What I Should Have Left" which is one of my favorites. You can hear him sing "O Holy Night" (on You Tube - click
here) at a Christmas concert I attended where the audience gave him a standing ovation and wouldn't stop was amazing! And to hear him sing with his Mom (gotta love that!) - click

OK...enough about Matt!
Back to quilting...
Before I knew it, all the offensive blocks were repaired and here is the new and improved version.
Much better.

Here are 4 repaired blocks together. Only 1 block has an issue, but I don't mind that one, so I'm leaving it.
Feels great to be making progress on this old UFO, and my goal is to finish the top by the end of January. If I can find some similar light fabric, I might even make the quilt larger...never thought I'd be saying that!
Mary just told me that today is the 76th birthday of
Elvis Presley, singer of
Blue Suede Shoes...Happy Birthday Elvis!