I have been working away on some machine quilting as the temperatures permit. It was my goal to get
this quilt finished for my UFO Friendship Quilters meeting at the beginning of September and I think I'll make it!

I pieced all the leftover bits from the blocks into a strip down the back and am so tickled with myself because after I make the binding, there will be hardly any fabric left from this quilt...everything was used up!
This photo shows the backing and the stitch in the ditch - horizontal and vertical seams to anchor it, and then a diagonal chain through the black squares.
Then I had some fun figuring out how to do a continuous line design within the star blocks. This is my favorite part of machine quilting and I find that time just passes so quickly and I am so relaxed (if the thread doesn't break and give me grief, which it's not).

I hope you can see the quilting design I ended up with on this last photo...it's hard to see the white thread on the white backing! The design is quilted free hand and I am my own stitch regulator, so it's not perfect, but it's fun!
looks fantastic!
Being able to use up everything in a quilt is the best feeling--wish I could do it more often.
Your machine quilting is looking great. I also enjoy the challenge of figuring out a continuous line for a design.
The photos tell the story! Well done.
It's lovely. I love using continuous quilting patterns as I hate the sewing in of the thread ends
Love and hugs Gina xxx
It is so much fun to try to come up with a continuous design which complements the quilts. Congratulations on getting another finish in. Your UFO list must be getting shorter.
It's wonderful! woo-hoo for a finish-love your quilting too.
I have a leftover strip of 2.5" squares that I was thinking of sewing into the backing but wondered how it would look---you gave me a preview with yours! (thank you!) :)
It's good to have a "show and tell" or a quilt show to keep us motivated to finish a project. Your quilting looks great!
Your quilting looks great! Love how you added the stripe of fabrics into the backing - makes it look very minimalist :)
Beautiful quilting.
Way to use it all up! I love the quilting and love the fact that you are having fun doing it. Nothing like having fun doing what you love to do.
You do a great job with your machine quilting.
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