I also received the gift of time to quilt. My husband did all the work today and I was able to have some sewing time. Which is very generous considering
he also did all the work yesterday while I was at a guild newbie day teaching machine quilting. Here I am finishing up a Block of the Month quilt, where guild members make and donate blocks of the same pattern made from their stash, and then someone else (Joan) sews them together. Yesterday our new members learned how to prepare a quilt for quilting, how to pin baste and then how to "stitch in the ditch" on this quilt. I just have to finish the unstitched ditches and put the binding on.

I must say that am a very happy mother today and I enjoyed everything about my quilty mother's day weekend!
How nice of you to teach the newbies. It really takes a lot of time and patience, I hope they were grateful when they learned all of this. Quilting is the best hobby in the world-you are leaving a warm legacy.
Glad you had a GREAT Mothers day!
Oh Eat, Love and Pray was supposed to be a great book! Let me know how you enjoy it. I suppose I could go look up the rose bush you were given, but tell me what color it is, I have not heard of that one before. What does the guild do with the complete quilt after everyone has donated a block to it? Do you donate it to charity?
Oh my gosh, look at you sitting there quilting that great big quilt! I get all twitchy just thinking about it! You are a brave (and skilled) woman too. Machine quilting is just something I have never perfected. Beautiful quilt. Glad you had a super Mother's Day!
So glad you had such a nice day - all your family members sound like winners!
P.S. Especially love the sound of that breakfast!
How nice of your husband to give you such a great week-end! The strawberries sound delicious.
So fun to find your blog through Paula!! Anyway your Mother's day Sounds super - time to sew is a gift second only to time with the kids.
They leave and then you are left with Mother's Day telephone tag or driving to Guelph to see them!! It was a great day for me also, even if I burst into spontaneous tears and giddy laughter at the restaurant during breakfast.
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